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Celebrity Encounter

I had a celebrity encounter over the weekend (prefer not to name him). I’ve seen this guy in movies over last 40 years and let him know that. He starts talking about his more recent TV work which I’ve never seen. I didn't watch the shows he’s talking about. Fortunately I was able to keep conversation while avoiding saying so. How would you have handled that?


Exactly like it sounds like you did. Just kept the conversation going without admitting to not seeing recent shows. And would have generally complemented their work if they were someone whose work I enjoyed.


Why would you not want to name him?

Seems like you handled it just fine. I may have said I hadn't seen any of his new shows "yet".


Because it was Elvis and he doesn't want to blow his cover that he isn't actually dead?


I thought it might be Tupac, but I can also believe it's Elvis.




My old man was an extra in a movie once and snuck into the food area for the talent and crew and chatted up someone.

He thought they were an extra and later on we told him they were actually a star of a famous sitcom in the 1980s.

You're only famous when you're famous.


If it encourages you to reveal who you met, an acquaintance and Facebook friend of mine ran into and interacted with Larry Flynt at an airport once and she posted it all over Facebook.


See, now no matter who you met it's going to sound a lot better! 😁


I met a few people I knew were celebs while I was out in Hollywood (worked as a stagehand inside of various studios). I've gotta tell you man, your story doesn't sound right - if I knew the person was a celeb ahead of time, I wasn't able to be myself. A twinge of WOW in there. ANd these weren't people "I've seen in movies over last 40 years". It was mostly soap opera stars. Even them, they'd walk off the set and you'd talk to them, you'd still be a little bit in awe.

The only absolutely huge star I got close to was Johnny Carson. And by close I mean, I saw him being walked in with his bodyguards. There was absolutely no chance of actually speaking to him.

ANyway, there was one person I had a nice, relaxed conversation with. Afterwards thinking - hey that guy was all right. The conversation was relaxed because I didn't have a clue who he was. In fact, he was on a huge show (at that time) "Cheers". The postman - Cliff Claven. Very, very nice polite guy. Had no idea he was anybody. His actual name is John Ratzenberger.

ANd as far as how you handled it, sorry brother, I have doubts on your story.


Great first round Jeopardy player.
