MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Top 5 franchises that overstayed their w...

Top 5 franchises that overstayed their welcome

1. Halloween- it's a 1/3 ratio of good to bad movies.
2. Marvel cinematic Universe- it needs a good break. They finished strong but immediately jumped into the next phase too early for the average audience.
3. Star Wars- I've harped on this enough.
4. The Matrix- it was already faltering by the second film.
5. Saw- it took its backstory revisionism to an extreme.

Honorable (Dishonorable) mentions: DC, Indiana Jones, the Exorcist


1. Pirates of the Caribbean - Shoulda stopped at 3
2. Die Hard - Shoulda stopped at 3
3. Terminator - Shoulda stopped at 2
4. Resident Evil - Shoulda stopped at 2
5. Indiana Jones - Shoulda stopped at 3

Dishonorable mentions - Saw, Fast & Furious, Alien


I finished my post and then saw the new Alien on the homepage and thought, "I should have added that one!"


Saw also could have stopped at 3. They kind of wrapped ngs up with that character


Right? Franchise just lost the "message/plot" and just went full "torture porn''


1. Planet of the Apes
2. John Wick
3. Fast & Furious
4. Mission Impossible
5. Has there ever been a horror IP that doesn't become more laughable as it becomes an endlessly rebooted franchise?


I’d agree about POTA if you’re talking about the original run of movies, but as for the reboots, all four films have been excellent. I had low expectations for Rise but I loved it so much. I then expected the sequels to decline in quality but I haven’t been disappointed yet.


The reboot trilogy is pretty excellent. Andy Serkis gives a great performance as Caesar.

Rise was enjoyable on a first watch but pretty ok on the rewatch for me.


Have you seen Kingdom yet? It’s actually one of the best, imo.


Sorry, Idiot over here. Meant to write Kingdom instead of Rise. THAT was my experience with Kingdom and NOT Rise. My bad.

I rewatched Rise a couple of months ago on a trip and I gotta say, I honestly enjoy it more now than I did when it first came out.

It's my least revisited movie out of the trilogy cause I always thought it was mediocre but it's honestly a really good movie. Surprised me, not gonna lie.


I love that 😃 It’s so good when you can appreciate a movie even more on a rewatch. One of the things I liked most about Rise was the relationship between Caesar and John Lithgow’s character, it had a real emotional resonance to me.


Lithgow's character in the movie broke my heart, man!


Same 🥲 I’ve seen a family member go through mental decline due to dementia and Lithgow just hit the nail on the head with that performance. It’s a small part, but one of his best I think.


Eh, I guess it's a personal preference thing. Cause I've enjoyed every single Mission impossible entrance from 4 onwards.

One to Three are hit or miss but Four to Seven are all fantastic for me. And also really really rewatchable.

Oh well, to each their own.


Aside from John Wick I pretty much agree with all of the series mentioned. I still love John Wick and honestly, Keanu is simply charming on screen. I could watch him kill dozens of people at a time forever!


Chapter 4 was fucking amazing!


The fight choreography is so amazing!

There is a YouTube clip of Reeves shooting the hell out of a gun range that is totally amazing. Check it out.


Oh ya, seen it. Dude went all out. Trained hard on weapons & hand to hand combat.

Those films are a wonderful showcase for stunt work. Great job by everyone involved.


I didn't put John Wick up there. Hmm🤔.

But you're right. I only like #1.


Star Wars - should have stopped after the prequels

Rambo - should have stopped after First Blood

The Godfather - should have stopped after 2

Jurassic Park - should have stopped after the first one


Rocky Five....Thousand.


I disagree on this one. There’s certainly some stinkers in the Rocky franchise (4 and 5, I’m looking at you 👀) but I’m still here for it. From Rocky Balboa to Creed III, it’s been quality entertainment all the way for me 🥊
