MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I'm currently watching the movie "2012"

I'm currently watching the movie "2012"

...after multiple recommendations in my disaster movie thread.

Serious question: Is this movie supposed to be a parody/comedy?


Iโ€™ve seen it recently. Itโ€™s not supposed to be a parody but it is meant to be over the top and often goes for excessive action instead of realism.


John Cusack's ex to her new significant other: "I feel like something is pulling us apart."

Earthquake happens in the middle of grocery store aisle and the floor cracks right between them.

Yes, it is a tad over the top. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ


That movie is a guilty pleasure for my wife and I. Itโ€™s SO over the top and ridiculous and has a nice cast as well but no, itโ€™s not a parody

Weโ€™ve watched it a lot.


Mr. Fourlemons and I are having a good time with it. I can see how it could become a guilty pleasure. Or a drinking game. Take a shot with each new disaster or cliche! ๐Ÿ˜


Weโ€™d all be blind drunk in the first half hour๐Ÿ˜„


Yes!! ๐Ÿ˜†


Okay so this is interesting. The first disaster movie I watched at y'alls recommendation was The Poseidon Adventure and now I'm seeing there's a scene in 2012 that was basically lifted straight from it.

Anybody know which one?


Not a parody. I didn't like this one at all considering the director also did the best disaster movie of all time, the 1996 classic "Independence Day".


I need to go back and re-watch that one now.


Interesting, I've never thought of ID as a disaster movie, but it certainly follows the pattern of a classic disaster flick plot-wise!


People would say it's a creature feature, but when entire cities are getting destroyed, it feels like a disaster movie to me.


No, you're absolutely right, because (as pointed out in the many reddit threads on the subject) it contains all the tropes of the genre laid right out in front of you plain as day...I really gotta see it again, it's been way too long!


Why are you wasting your time talking to me? There's a classic that you need to rewatch.


I must still acquire the DVD, because that's how I roll!


In my opinion, the guy made possibly the most fun disaster movie of all time & has been trying desperately to recapture that ever since.

None of his other disaster slops are as good or fun as Indepence Day!


It's one of the most nostalgic movies for me. I saw it opening day and remember the whole time quite well. I've seen it so many times over the years.


It's so rewatchable & just super fun.

Have you seen the sequel?




You know, it occurs to me that I saw it on opening day as well! Did they open it on the 1st in Canada? ๐Ÿ˜‰


I believe so. I remember the date July 1st came up on screen, I made a joke with the people I was watching it with and I said, "whoa, this happened today and they already made a movie of it?!?!" That was my 13-year-old humour.


It was a Canada Day joke, because I thought it had been released here on the 4th (for obvious reasons!)

However, we're both wrong according to IMDB- It says Canada the 2nd and USA the 3rd...


So I guess my joke was that it happened yesterday and they already made a movie about it.


Maybe the last great disaster movie.


If the sheer volume of disasters and miraculous escapes is the criteria, this one is the Mac Daddy!



I admit, it's great movie for 'make fun posts' like "100 things I learned from.." but still entertaining and fun movie.

Can you give me better disaster movie since 2009?


No, but I'm admittedly not a movie aficionado. ๐Ÿ˜ I do however like disaster movies, so I'm trying to work through some of the ones suggested to me in my disaster movie thread. Between the ones I had already seen prior to the thread and the ones I've watched recently, so far I think I actually like the older ones better. I need to watch more to have a more informed decision though. ๐Ÿ™‚


The Core (2003) and Daylight (1996) are both great and less known.
Ignore their rating.


Ok, thanks! I just took a look at them briefly on IMDb and I would say The Core especially intrigues me.

I suspect there's a certain amount of snobbery towards disaster movies in general which influences the ratings some.


I have a friend who absolutely loves that film. Not because it's good but cause it's absolutely bonkers & dumb that it's entertaining.


Yeah I kind of wish I had known that going into it. I was expecting it to be a serious attempt at drama. ๐Ÿ˜‚ I guess going into it blindly though allows for an honest reaction.


My friends and I knew it would be outrageous and silly.

We sat in the front row of the theater a d passed the Goldschlager and vodka back and forth while the movie unfolded.

We laughed, dank, and enjoyed ourselves. Even in the bus ride home.

It's a bad movie but one of my favorite movie theater experiences.


You did it the right way! I thought several times that movie would have been much better in front of a large movie screen like an IMAX with some sort of "experience-enhancing substance". ๐Ÿ˜‚


It was a great time. 8 friends sloshed and unable to look away.
