Never trust
A fat doctor
A skinny cook
Signed, million man.
An overly helpful teenager
sharea fart
shareWhat's wrong with a skinny doctor?
sharePeople who say, "Trust the science!"
shareNever trust machinery more complicated than a knife and fork.
-Robert A. Heinlein
What about sporks?
Sporks are the creation of mad scientists. These sporks will one day rise up and destroy us all.
And paper straws are part of a tactic designed to get us used to paper utensils so that people won't use sporks and the threat will be averted?
And here I was hating paper straws.
Paper straws are merely a low-tech way to make us all consume drinks as quickly as possible (before the straw degrades and falls apart in our drink).
So we'll fill up faster and not feel the need to eat food with a spork?
Damn, someone really put some thought into those paper straws.
Sporks are OK, chorks, on the other hand, are just asking for trouble.
shareThat looks like something a dumb guy made. I assume he will be a billionaire in short order.
Politicians - any of them!