MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > If we in humanity had OTHER methods of l...

If we in humanity had OTHER methods of legal punishment BESIDES prisons and jails...

... no matter if criminals (ANY kind including the harsh typical ones) simply didn't "want" to go into either one due to inconvenience and selfish motives OR (albeit in THIS life, it doesn't you know, at least, in practice, call for reforms as such) they were afraid of worse fate than mere incarceration and lack of freedom ALONE, would there STILL in life exist cases where...

People either threatened or worse ended the life of someone in order to avoid such punishments? Or would nearly all criminals, no matter how stubborn or mentally gone or whatever at least not have a huge problem with that, similar to how kids or adults at school or work or at home may not have a HUGE problem with getting told off for doing something wrong or naughty?

Would criminals still have a "stinking GRASS" mentality in such cases? Even if all prisons or legal punishments had tolerable conditions in them both by rule AND nature?

Or would they actually gain an UNDERSTANDING of it all - and the whole typical advice of "if you do wrong of this kind, go to here in order to accept punishment" would de-facto work in a same or similar way as it would with people who are ill and need treatment?

And would someone for instance like Max Cady in either the 60s classic or the Martin Scorsese remake of "Cape Fear" THEN seen vengeance on their lawyer IF it all went according to legal and etc plan, and no inmates did anything wrong to him either - either because they didn't want to face further punishment OR they somehow couldn't bring themselves to do it and figured it wasn't at all worth it, as wrong as Mr Cady of course was before AND when he started to plan all those family revenge insane scenarios, which is obvious and I am not even debating it.

(But then, yeah, I know I know, with some crimes of course, and murder further so as it takes away someone's LIFE, there will always be that issue of victim suffering, family and society being affected and whatnot. And sadly in these cases, there is no machine or entity able to reverse such actions. So I can see WHY we have the NEED at least for the ULTIMATE legal punishment system that exists and operates the way it does, but still...)


If we in humanity had OTHER methods of legal punishment BESIDES prisons and jails...

They got it right in the old days - bullwhipping and public shaming. While I don't think today's shameless criminals would care at all about being shamed, I think a criminal who was once bullwhipped would think twice, three, four, and maybe 10 times before committing a crime. Plus, it didn't take any prison space or feeding prisoners. Bullwhip or cane them and send them on their way. Win-win.

Now, I understand the pantywaists will scream bloody murder (can we say that anymore??), so in order beat them to the punch (sorry for the violent idioms), caning should be offered as an alternative to time in prison. The convict can request this in lieu of time to serve.

Remember when that American punk decided to spray paint (tag) cars in Singapore? He was sentenced to caning by a Singapore court (generous if you understand that they don't screw around in Singapore). Our feckless leader Bill Clinton called and begged Singapore to spare his ass (so to speak). Singapore reduced the amount of lashes by a few but the punk still got enough to make a point - you can be SURE that punk didn't spray paint any more cars as long as he was in Singapore as the next round if he got caught doing that again would have been twice as many.


U.S. society needs crime in order to support a multi-billion dollar industry. (Other countries have their own issues).

When crime was low, new laws were passed to create more criminals. Criminals provide free and cheap labor for both government and private companies, and profit for private prisons and related industries.

500% increase in incarceration since 1970s graph:

If you want low crime, you have to remove profit from it. Similar to war which is "good business" for those selling weapons, related technology services and products. Human values are completely screwed up 🤪


My view on capital punishment is very simple - "If you don't want to do the time, the don't do the crime." Crooks these days are selfish beyond measure, feeling they can do whatever they want to anyone without ever having to answer for it...and sadly, the current legal system is supporting that view. We have too many crooked cops, lawyers, and judges, most of them being bribed or otherwise pressured into showing leniency or even releasing a criminal instead of pursuing true justice. Think about it: how many times have you seen a movie or TV episode, where a crook hold's a judge's kid hostage, and tells the judge the child will die unless their demands are met? Those kinds of stories aren't purely fictitious; they often happen in reality.


"they often happen in reality"
No, they don't.

"true justice"
That doesn't exist since it depends on how much one can afford for a quality legal team.

Furthermore, the system is slanted to persecute the poor and disenfranchised instead of the rich and power. For instance, prostitutes were arrested instead of their Johns. A homeless guy arrested for sleeping on a park bench instead of the bank investor who helped make housing unaffordable.


The best form of punishment towards criminals is to actually provide them with a way out of their hardened life by teaching them how to read and write, on-the-job-skills, paying them appropriately for any of their work (with an allotment going towards a savings account, especially if they are not able to claim any finances for whatever reason).

Basically, give them a reason to not want to go back into their life of crime by offering stability. It's not going to eliminate crime altogether but this is at least a solution to recidivism (repeat offenders). If this seems too good of a deal for prisons, then it says a lot about the rest of the surrounding society's predicament and what kind of shape it's in.

Happy belated Birthday, theMan!



