Too much for a 9th grader?
When I was in 9th grade the school I attended had a required field trip to go mountain climbing and kayaking on a river. Seeing as I have a fear of heights and pretty much anything that could up my chances of death, I dreaded it for weeks and even tried to get out of it, but I ended up going. And this wasn't just climbing up a hill. This was strapping ropes around you, putting on a helmet and repelling up the side of an actual mountain and the river we kayaked on had rapids and little falls. The girl I got stuck kayaking with had the social graces of a Cro-Magnon man and screamed at me the whole time to paddle harder. It really is a miracle I'm here to type this right now.
1. Was it reasonable to make this a required trip for a 9th grader? (The only correct answer is no.)
2. Should this instead have been an optional offering for some sort of after school extreme sports club?
3. An appropriate field trip would have been ________.