MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Researching your discussions

Researching your discussions

Do some on here intentionally go by memory instead of looking it up online when discussing things or creating an OP? In attempt to make the discussion more organic?

With so much information at our finger tips, asking people questions online can be seen as redundant, no?


Not if you're a data mining bot.


Are you suggesting that some people tend to post topics off the cuff, often guided by their emotions rather than actual research?

No, it does not happen on this forum - especially if someone attempts to shield themselves from reprisals by including the magic incantation of "not political" in their original post.

There are no shitheads like that on this site, no siree!


I think you're 🍌 bananas

Signed, million man.


No, it’s sort of easy to forget something you may have typed several thousand posts ago…’Favorite Rocky Sequel..?’

I’m sure this has come up a few times by me or others, who gives cares, we are just chatting and having fun.


Are you suggesting that we should stop chatting?


I do. One is happy to explain why.

I'm old (50s). One of the main reasons I comment here is to keep my brain active. Keep it thinking.

Thus, I always go by memory. On some very rare occasions, one has looked stuff up.

If all you do is look information up, and then copy and paste it - you're not thinking, you're not using your brain.

The brain isn't exercised. No benefit whatsoever.


It's Bananas 'b-a-n-a-n-a-s'


A few times I've been around that track so it's not just gonna happen like that.


research..... pfffff

FEELINGS matter WAY MORE than silly ol FACTS. :P

(yes, sarcasm)
