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You Got the Lyrics Wrong

Has anyone here experienced realizing that you completely misunderstood the lyrics of a song only after singing them out loud in front of someone else?

Case in point: I was driving around with my wife today listening to Radiohead's "Sulk." I sang out loud what I thought were the lyrics from the song, "sometimes you suuuucccck, sometimes you blooow," looked at her and said that sounds like you honey. She rolled her eyes and said, "ha ha. Funny." Knowing that these gestures on her part sometimes indicate she's annoyed, I defended myself and said I was just singing the song.

That's when she pointed out that Thom Yorke was actually saying, "sometimes you sulk, sometimes you burn." Mind blown. I've listened to The Bends for about 30 years now and thought that's how the song went the entire time.

Anyway, I thought I'd share that experience here. Has anyone else had a similar circumstance where you didn't realize you misunderstood lyrics until you said them in front of someone and had it pointed out to you?

Radiohead's Sulk for reference:


"Maxwell, Jump"

aka might as well jump


Crash into me
Lyric: Hike up your skirt a little more and show your world to me.

What I heard: Hike up your skirt little boy, and show your world to me.

I really disliked that song back then.


"Knowing that these gestures on her part sometimes indicate she's annoyed"

What does it mean at other times???
