MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you know the Lucky Charms by heart?

Do you know the Lucky Charms by heart?

I don't yet, but a recent Youtube ad made some of them catchy: "Hearts, stars, horseshoes, clovers, and blue moons!" But there's three more I have trouble remembering.


The only one I know is diabetes inducing early death charm.

Mmmm, yum.




Well, to be fair one would have to eat a heck of a lot of Lucky Charms to wind up with the diabetes.


Speaking of diabetus... and homasexyulality...


Deepfake prototype.

Someone really liked Wilfred back in the day.


He was Ice


A masterpiece.

Just goes to show you don't need fancy AI when you got someone who knows what they're doing.


Clovers, blue moons, unicorns, rainbows and red balloons…that’s according to Wiki so it might not be completely accurate…any maniac can edit Wikipedia.

I could probably go on the Ted Bundy Wiki page and declare him the most beloved leading man of 1980s rom coms and some dummy would buy it.


Hehe about Wikipedia....


It would get taken down immediately. Its not like these pages aren't policed by a responsible community. On some obscure person or matter, it might last a little longer. But the trash gets taken out.

Wikipedia is awesome.


I appreciate Wikipedia as well, it’s a good baseline format to read about mobsters, serial killers, famous movie stars. But it’s really just a baseline amount of info, and honestly, some of it is flawed and incorrect.

Seriously, any shithead can sign into Wikipedia and make up all sorts of stuff. I could go on there right now and claim that John Wayne Gacy won the Oscar for best Male supporting actor in a Rocky movie and people would all be like ‘ooh, he was a famous actor!’

Yes. He raped and killed three dozen people but he was Rocky’s boxing coach in that movie!

People are dumb.


You have to source your content, or it gets taken down. Its actually mainly an aggregation site. People spouting BS are quickly banned, at least from the pages they pollute.


Hmm, thanks for the lesson, I did not know that!

Seems like I have lots to learn about stuff.


I originally thought that way too. But after actually getting involved in some particular page curations, I got a better understanding of the process.

Its fair to say that people can put up bullshit, but in my experience, it quickly gets caught and excised. Moreover, a lot of the criticism of wiki is from folks who have an interest in pushing 'alternative' facts and don't appreciate a community/consensus viewpoint.

If you want to get a view on that, go to some page of interest and click on the 'talk' link at the top of the page, and you can see the community discussion, where edits & disputes are hashed out.

Its not perfect, but imo one of the most important institutions to have arisen on the interwebs. :)


I Appreciate your intel, thank you quite sincerely.

Most posters would never bother to break it down, I quite like wiki and I appreciate you for being honest👍

I will not forget this.


I do remember that they are magically delicious!


They are!


I've lost track. They're constantly changing it up, offering limited-edition versions, etc.


Yeah, that's true.


I know you.
You are the guy that hates ‘Black Friday!’

I admire your schtick, it’s a good one!

My wife and her sister are totally bananas about the Black Friday deals, I just stay home and play with my angry little dog but you are funny. I don’t much disagree with you either.

Walmart is NOT putting out their finest TVs and stereos for cheap. That’s just foolish, why anyone falls for that is beyond me!


Yes, that's me. I do like the holidays, though, and things like this:

This is no "schtick," I'm serious about the best time of year being ruined by materialism, crass consumerism and greed.

These After Thanksgiving Sales (the proper term) are some of the biggest scams foisted on the gullible general public. I'm glad to know there is someone else out there who sees through the con game.

Save the holiday season.


I meant NO disrespect. I just meant that I admire your routine, you hate all of the commercial aspects of the holidays and forgetting the actual message…I get it, I don’t disagree.

But I totally admire how you come off as an angry guy with a goal, I’m constantly angry and I admire your laser focus on this one issue, it’s really rather impressive Sir👍


"...I'm constantly angry..."

You've been making a lot of posts lately with this admission, which, in your stupidity, makes you think you'll appear as self deprecating. 🙄 From my perspective, it's a final confirmation of what I've been suspecting and posting about for years, that you've been projecting onto me.

Yadda, yadda, I know..."gfy!" Okay. At least I'll be having sex with someone I love. 😁


Honesty is never a bad thing, these are good people we are talking to, I think they deserve honesty.
Most of them are really quite sweet and honest as well.

I’m never going to lie to people I care about.

Nice attempt at starting a fight, there was really no reason for this.



Oh, that's rich! You, one of the most brazen, bald-faced liars on this board, lecturing about honesty. Your hypocrisy has always been as obvious as your chronic anger.


Not true, I’m
always honest, I have nothing to be ashamed of or to lie about.

I’m just here, always will be, you’ll never see the end of me.

Also, go fuck yourself dickweed.


No offense taken.

The holiday season is one of the few things left to look forward to, and somebody is determined to ruin that, too.
Remember when Easter and July 4th were actual holidays? Now they are treated like ordinary weekdays with business as usual.
Thanksgiving Day was in danger of extinction until COVID-19 put a stop to stores being open on that day. One of the few positive outcomes of the pandemic.
I see that the Halloween candy displays were up in July. They need to wait until October 1 to do this. This oversaturation destroys what made these holidays special. This is what prompted me to begin posting early (normally I wait until November when we are bombarded with ads for that non-existent day).

Save the holiday season.


No, but did you know that...

"The marshmallows are meant to represent Lucky's magical charms, each with their own special meaning or "power". As of April 2021, the following are explanations of the permanent marshmallows.

Heart Charm – Gives life to objects
Star Charm – Power of flight
Horseshoe Charm – Power of speed
Clover Charm – Power of luck
Blue Moon Charm – Power of invisibility
Unicorn Charm – Brings color to the world
Rainbow Charm – Power to teleport
Red Balloon Charm – Power to float"

I wish that AsAbove guy that deleted his posts every 72 hours so "they wouldn't be onto him" was still around to explain what all of these shapes really mean.
