Take a look at "CashJordan" on his you tube channel before you go and decide if you are up for what is turning into a chaotic mess in some areas. New York is crumbling and has been flooded with almost 200,000 migrants they are trying to house and feed and a lot of hotels are full.
And the street and subway crime is way up, and lot is organized. The newest thing is guys on what seems like thousands of illegal mopeds doing drive-by muggings at outdoor restaurants and on sidewalks--shootings etc.
And due to the non-prosecution crime policy NYC has had for a long time, the criminals work freely and with no fear.
Cash is a real estate guy and lived in NYC a long time (not sure but he may have moved out further with his family). He is a drama queen for his videos, but his reporting is solid.
Oh, and I would avoid NYC after the Nov election. Whoever wins, the authorities are preparing for mass unrest in US cities. Not fun to chance that as a visitor if you can avoid the post-election time.