MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Fuck South Africa

Fuck South Africa

A family friend on holiday has just been robbed and beaten up there. This has been happenening way too often to Western tourists. The country has turned into an absolute shithole these past 30 years.πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•


I'm sorry to read that...but not surprised, unfortunately. Not to question his guilt/innocence, but I seem to remember that was covered during the Oscar Pistorious scary certain parts of South Africa were even back then.

Being a golfer, I've seen some of the courses in South Africa and they are absolutely beautiful. It's too bad when a place that could potentially be "Paradise on Earth" is, in fact, the opposite (I feel that way about Haiti, for example).


Oscar Pistorious contributed to the crime rate. His girlfriend wasn't safe in her own home because of him.


Did he know it was this bad and if so, why did he choose that destination to go to??


South Africans have diplomatic immunity…and it’s just been revokedπŸ’₯

-Danny Glover, American film star and movie producer.


That is no holiday sir. No Holiday at all
