MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Hurt or upset? Deeply? No. In the mood f...

Hurt or upset? Deeply? No. In the mood for arguments, disagreements, relativity? At times YES.

But that's just me, and even in the, or even THE, deepest points of my life related to various arguments out there, I am not disregarding or disagreeing with certain truths, serious matters, I hold no grudges, I even accept where I MAY have gotten wrong or on the wrong foot, I do apologize if need be etc etc etc and I take full responsibility and I am NOT just saying that so that in the name of justice and via an official annoyance someone doesn't seriously smack me here or there because they thought I officially went against, even in theory, anyone's "sacred rights".

On other hand, despite my huge typing, for years thinking, ruminating on stuff etc, it is overall not THAT serious either. Well, it can be in doses yes, but let's not get carried away please, thank you.

Also, you know all about the stuff that happens in prison, ultimate taboo crossing or general say mess medium to something? Prisoners themselves are criminals with a very SPECIFIC mentality that differs from your Joe Schmoes and John Averages and John Smiths on the OUTSIDE world, I'm not saying its a good or a bad thing itself, its just a fact, but hence, I don't use that argument as to "what happens in prisons" as an argument of what SHOULD happen as this is due to "100% MORAL FACTS IN ALL CASES WITH NO EXCEPTIONS" like that.

And FILMS with ANY tropes, for one, including less than usual ones, and I as a 37 year old man with a RUSSIAN mentality and general world understanding subjected to authority more than say typical "male fantasy mentality with that of hot chicks dominating the world of mine type of thingy", well, even in THEORY and VOLUNTARILY I tend to be above this whilst also having SOME recognition of it but also for OTHER reasons and that of humanity in general but also not referencing OPPOSITE extremes too much and not always MINDING the one negative but attractive say film trope and SOMETIMES thinking along THOSE lines too, also in other forms of violence and sometimes by MERE COINCIDENCE ala seeing something in a movie whereas movies in general we got USED to other tropes whilst also realizing nothing is the same or very simple, at least not always.

But I am upset and hurt by neither, including other's reactions here or there, or my own CONSCIENCE sometimes speaking to me in all of this, and any TYPE of "arousal" here I DO NOT EVER FEEL, but, yeah, that's me, but its all fine and cool now too, cheers.

I am also in many ways a WANNA BE intellectual and tough guy but in reality lacking in both, but I ain't too ashamed of it even if not too proud either.


Okay, Ivan.



I am Alexander, haha, like Alexander the Great, Alex or Sasha is my name in Russian.


Whatever, Ivan.



I thought that was meant to be the reference to "Ivan the Terrible", the notorious classic evil Russian Tsar. I am Russian by the way, really.


Did 20 years of Putin do this to you?

How can we help?


"Did 20 years of Putin do this to you?"

Nope, and its almost 25 years by the way since he became the President after Yeltsin, he has nothing to do with this and let's not tip this thread towards the "Political" angle too much or it will be likely moved there - shudder, lol.


"How can we help?"
Demonstrate openly that there is a balance in this world overall and that we shouldn't fear to think, speculate, negotiate even the dark and disturbing, or off-putting, dangerous and distasteful stuff, in the name of both being against it and trying to understand it better and also, if we want OR have to, feel better ourselves about our human world in general.


The world is what you make it and if you want dark, you got it.

Personally, I like to say hi to the birds outside where I work and feed them peanuts every morning for breakfast.


I think I agree, lol.


When I get upset I usually drink some cow blood.


Wonder where you mostly get that from, do you live in a dairy farm?


I lived in a village where our primary source of food is cattle.


Alright cool.
