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ultra - processed

with the new study showing how damaging the ultra processed diet is just curious what you eat that's slowly killing you ?



anything from the middle of the supermarket






I've been cutting down on the most sugary things, like candy and soda, so I'll say currently salty snacks like chips, crackers, and pretzels, certain frozen foods like pizza and pre-packaged dinners, certain meats like bacon and hot dogs, certain store-bought breads like English muffins, and I'm sure there is more.



Not the study itself, just news reports about it. BUT -


Honestly I’d rather eat what I like and have a shorter life than do and eat things I don’t like so I can live longer and experience other problems along the way.



Ham, small goods. I don’t eat much in terms of frozen pizzas etc though.



I like bacon and sausages too. I’m Aussie so meat pies and dim sims are appealing to me. Lots of salt and dubious quality of meat lol.

What am I trying to live a long time for, the nursing home break a hip years?



A shared love of freedom for sure although I’ve never been to Texas just basing it on what I have observed via social media.


I found recently most peanut butter is mixed with hydrogenated vegetable oil - Crisco. That's what gives it the smooth texture. There's no more fake indigestible processed product on earth than Crisco. They've found a way to make even peanut butter kill you.

I check the label now and buy the stuff made with only peanut oil.


Wine and cheese. But if one of those kills me rather than anything else then I'm happy with that tbh.


In moderation those are probably good for you.


Better question is what isn't killing us.
