Do you think America is the greatest country in the world?
shareThis is the perfect post to determine who is a conservative and who is a liberal. 🤣 Generally it’s a “Yes” for conservatives and “No” for liberals.
And the people who hate the country never seem to leave.
You think that unless you think the USA is the best country on earth that means you must hate it?
shareNo, I don’t necessarily think that, but plenty of people will tell you how much they hate the country. Just listen to them complain…yet here they remain, instead of going to the countries that they prefer.
share^^Exactly. What I just said.
--Michael D. Clarke
I think of it as one of them, can’t beat liberal western democracies.
Wouldn’t want to live in the US though, I like living here in the UK.
At times, yes. I think our population--and I mean EVERYONE, regardless of their immutable characteristics--has the potential to be the greatest. We just need the current slavemasters (see: WEF) to get out of the way.
shareMypos is the best countries and is the birthplace of legend Balki Bartokomous.