MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Any former members of The Movie Database...

Any former members of The Movie Database here?

If so, were you kicked off, or did you stop visiting TMDB of your own free will?


Not sure I've ever heard of it before this thread.

Were you kicked off or did you stop visiting?


I was both kicked off and stopped visiting


So you were booted and then stopped visiting

Signed, million man


No. I only registered as a back-up in case MC closes without warning. It would be one possible way to connect with my MC friends. Same with movie forums website.




You should have stayed and not come here.




I'm not exactly sure what the difference is between IMDB and Movie Chat since both are pretty much set up the same way??


I started on TMDB when IMDB shut down, I spent maybe a year there. You can find my posts there if you search hard enough. Then I found this place and saw Kowalski and I was hooked.

Signed, million man.


I am registered on there, I like it.


What do you like about TMDB? Not out to argue with you, though I also can't promise to agree with your every last thought either


I have not been on it for awhile, but I think you can watch clips on movies or TV shows on there. I usually just use it to post my opinion on media.


Yeah... I enjoyed posting my thoughts and chatting with other film aficionados there also. Despite having fell afoul of TMDB's mods, I did meet some great folks over there, and miss them all deeply


I also enjoyed posting on TCM"s forum during the pandemic. It is too bad it was disabled.


i have an account but never use it


I registered before IMDB shut down, but I never went there.


Never kicked off, stopped using it and then it was gone.



It's still going


It mostly exists just be used for other sites and programs to use their api so they don't use IMDB. Hardly anyone uses the site itself, although there is an active contributor base that keeps it maintained. Not sure why they bother though.


I lurked, never joined and then found moviechat. It's a slick looking site for sure but they dont have the movie board activity like here.


TMDB did have a vibrant community over at the boards, in the days immediately after '17. They've been getting increasingly censorious ever since 2020 though. Apparently, instructing participants to simply not read anything they find objectionable is too complicated for the mods over there. On this front, they're not unlike the spineless assclowns who are at the helm over at YouTube, Reddit, and Facebook


Yeah reddit-style moderation creates echo chambers not a discussion forum. But it was even before 2020. If you look at the boards for Avengers Infinity War (2018), tmdb has 90 threads, moviechat has over 500. I think tmdb just made those links too hard to find. Like I said, the site looks great but it’s also way too busy. Bad UX.


"Yeah reddit-style moderation creates echo chambers not a discussion forum"

TMDB specifically has become an echo chamber for boneheads like this fella

A supposed man who really believes that drain dead dreck such as "Anyone taking away that it is somehow misandrist is trapped in the brainwashing of patriarchy" really makes sense


It was a minor IMDb competitor before IMDb closed its boards in 2017. But it wasn't able to capture the IMDb refugees like MovieChat. Everybody from IMDb is here.


TMDB was steadily attracting members in those days immediately after IMDB shut it's boards down. In '17, you could describe ScarJo as "fuckable" on The TMDB boards, without being edited or banned. Starting in '20 though, there was(by the admittance of genplant, one of TMDB's primary moderators)a deliberate effort to "Keep the site from turning into a hellhole, and becoming toxic. Unlike the early days in '17, where everything went". All of which was code for "The most wantonly sensitive members are now going to have their every whim catered to, each time they screech "I'm offended!!!" Not surprisingly, most everyone who was once there has vanished


It sounds like the demise of IMDb's boards made TMDB think more censorship was the answer.

But that hysteria affected MovieChat as well. In 2017/2018 MC had a reputation for excessive kneejerk bans. Happily, those old mods left and there's free speech here now. Mods 4 & 5 are great.

But seriously, MovieChat had a bad rep in 2017 and it took me years to even check it out because of that.

I just hope we can make sure that banhappy Mods 1 thru 3 never return to MovieChat. I'd like a guarantee they've lost their jobs, forever.


I was reading the old Mods’ posting back when MovieChat first opened. Mod3 ruled with an iron fist and was very public about it. You are dead on accurate here.


I'm happy I never knew mod 1-3. What a stick in the mud. I wonder who they were. We know mod 4 and 5 .

Signed, million man


Yeah, MovieChat had a horrible reputation when the Mods were deleting everything and banning everyone. That's the only reason filmboards had any success because this place was so badly run. Now that the pissant mods are gone, we can make this forum the true replacement for IMDb's boards. filmboards is now just a zoo run by a clique of anonymous trolls. They don't even have names anymore on fb. They're all "/." MovieChat is the only viable replacement for IMDb at this point.


"It sounds like the demise of IMDb's boards made TMDB think more censorship was the answer."

In fairness to TMDB's mods, the mindset you're describing has infected lots of folks in our culture. Like this fellow, who sent me the following text the other day:

I get the impression recently you feel very attacked as far as your own expression. Almost everything you send me is about how people are becoming too politically correct, restricting speech, liberal elite language, etc... I don't share this idea. I do see people being overly sensitive, yes. I don't see it as a massive tide of attacks on free speech. Speaking on a commercial platform is not the same as individual free speech. No business is required to give you their platform to stand on. I do think social media has a responsibility to control content because of the inability of people to discern real from fake. It's like the classic yelling fire in a theater scenario. You can be held liable for causing a panic which harms others. People on the Internet often present things as news, research, etc without any factual basis and everyone copies it and it gains traction which gives it credibility in others eyes. This snowball effect is the most dangerous thing I can see in the age of the Internet. Do I think everyone should have access to the Internet to speak freely? Yes. Do I think they should be held responsible for their words when they can be used to harm others or used to justify harming others. Yes. I think the real difficulty is controlling the controllers. Any attempt to control those who have control over content is seen as forcing them to become propaganda machines from that political side and in many cases that is what is being done both left and right. Removing controls altogether is not the correct answer though. No oversight is almost deemed as sponsorship of the produced ideas, thoughts, and words. "I read it on the Internet so it must be true" is a common joke because so many people fall


Last sentence of that text:

victim to the mentality"

Sentences such as "You can be held liable for causing a panic which harms others... This snowball effect is the most dangerous thing I can see in the age of the Internet... Do I think they should be held responsible for their words when they can be used to harm others or used to justify harming others. Yes."

Seem to affirm the findings of Nick Haslam and his colleagues 14:45-15:08 Those who are more emotionally empathic(such as TMDB's mods, and the fellow who sent me this text)inevitably adopt conceptions/definitions of things like "harm", "safety", and "danger" which are ever more elastic and amorphous. More darkly, we actually seem to get more punitive, the more emotionally empathetic we become

Ain't surprising then that so many forums both online and in reality have developed a hair trigger sensitivity to "wrong language"


Okay, thanks for that. Sure, the early days of the internet were like the wild west and free speech reigned supreme. Now we have the government talking about outright monitoring and censorship.

But if you look at MovieChat's early days when bans and censorship were the order of the day, it really limited this place from growing and only encouraged it's cesspool rival, filmboards, to copy all MovieChat's film boards and compete with a more "anything goes" mindset.

Thankfully the old trigger-happy mods are gone from MovieChat, and they've found a successful balance for continued growth. Now fb is dying and MovieChat is still going strong.


"Sure, the early days of the internet were like the wild west and free speech reigned supreme."

It's tough not to miss the days of GeoCities and forums like Note the date on those posts. The world then, and the mindset which prevailed ("If you find something someone wrote objectionable, either ignore them, or voice your objection. We won't be banning anyone, unless they're posting kiddie porn, or threatening someone else with physical violence")and the world we've been inhabiting since '16 seem like not simply different decades, but different planets altogether

"Now we have the government talking about outright monitoring and censorship."

Worse than that, a sizeable portion of The US public on all sides of the political spectrum have endorsed a social constriction of free speech. We're in the midst of a serious cultural fiasco


The government didn't even have the means to regulate the internet in the 90's. It was off the radar and truly "underground".

Now countries like China have it completely censored. I'm sure the American government would love to do the same. I've spoken to British posters who don't have access to certain sites.


didn't tmdb try to have a discussion board and it lasted about a month.


Their whole setup just sucks. You have to do like 4 clicks just to get to discussion

Signed, million man


it's a cluttered mess.


Every couple months I revisit and quickly leave. Yeah it's a mess.

Signed, million man.


A discussion board can't last, when a website is, the words of genplant(One of TMDB's primary moderators)is going out of it's way to "Not become a hellhole, and or toxic. Unlike the early days in '17, where everything went". One does have admire the mendacity within such a mission statement though: "Hellhole" and "Toxic" are deliberately unspecific enough to rationalize banning pretty much anyone whom a few Neo-Fascists find to be insufficiently doctrainaire


didn't tmdb try to have a discussion board and it lasted about a month.

Ben, the Pakistani Soapboxer trolled it to death when IMDb nix'd the Soapbox and TMDB closed it.

They acted prematurely. Ben would have burned out sooner or later.


is that the ben ceasar guy/?


Yeah, I wasn't sure how well known he is here. I know him well because I was a Soapboxer too. He trolled that board to death at the end.

He's really a decent guy when you get to know him. But TMDB was having none of it!


i think ben ceasar has the honor of being the first poster banned from moviechat. it was early days and he was the ultimate troll.


He's snuck back here on a few socks now and then. 🤣 But he's calmed down a lot though, even apologized for some of his past behavior.


it's too late for him here.


Hownos, he'll just use a VPN and make a sock. He's done it before.


"But TMDB was having none of it!"

Odd thing about them is that they've banned and edited so many of their former members, the only people left there are users like DRRDMusings... A supposed man, who created at least 5 threads devoted to gagging on Greta Gsrwig and Barbie's flaccid cock, despite this being a flick which spent two hours denigrating men, and depicting women as airhead

TMDB has become not so much a film board as it is an echo chamber for the sort of zombies who's only talent = Regurgitating the brain dead drivel one reads in Intersectionalist textbooks


I have an old account on TMDB and just tried logging in. But it says my password is invalid. I try to make a new account and it tells me my name and email is already in use. Well duh! But it gives no easy option to retrieve my old forgotten password.

Someone else said there are only a few posts per day. Is that true? It sounds dead.


When it's easy to get banned or edited, a forum ends up becoming a ghost town


