MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > what do you think of Twitter / X or what...

what do you think of Twitter / X or whatever you want to call it, and Elon Musk

I have lots of thoughts on this. Elon seems to be ruining what he paid $44 billion for, and the only person who can't see it is him

99% of people seem to think twitter is being trashed, but he only listens to the 1% of people on his timeline that like it (Elon you're great, please give me money)

then after he's ruined something, he changes something for the worse to try and hide the fact he's ruining it (like removing text from links, so you're less likely to click on it and navigate away from twitter)

the "everything app" concept. it's in China, the West doesn't have a need for it (not to mention there are so many problems with current twitter, you'd be a bit lally to trust him with your money)

(those are some of the thoughts)

apologies to anyone I've put on ignore


I think it's better since Elon took over.

But I don't use Twitter anymore and deleted my account.


could do a lot worse than that (deleting account)


I've always hated twitter and deleted my account before he bought it. I made a burner account to see if it was any/better worse after he bought it, but it seemed like the same cesspool it always was.


Much as I dislike Elon Musk, I think the idea that he has ruined or is ruining Twitter is a bit of a stretch. It wasn't exactly a beacon of sanity and quality conversation before he acquired the company.

I see people on the site complaining about Musk destroying Twitter. But they're mostly the same people who've been complaining -- on Twitter -- about Twitter being a cesspit for about six or seven years now. But they've forgotten about that now. It's all Musk's fault. It was paradise before.

Twitter was ruined by the ways in which they chose to monetise the app, long before Musk bought the company.


true, it seems to be about the essence of it though. when it was about birds, the arguments always seemed to be light hearted. someone said the X logo looks like two razorblades, it seems like the tone of the "arguments" on the site has changed, from light hearted to "battles"

why someone would buy a site where the brand recognition is about birds, then remove the birds. can't help but think his ideas are going to fall flat on their face


Well, I do wonder at a lot of his decisions. Changing the name of one of the most recognisable brands on the internet without any focus groups / marketing research, all because he has an obsession with the letter X is... a bit odd.

And just one of many strange, apparently impulsive decisions he's made (like buying the app in the first place at a massively inflated price)...

... but most people are still there, still complaining away or doing their 'activism' or whatever.

I mean, I think it's doomed in the longer term. But I think it was doomed in the longer term anyway. No-one can consistently make money from it.


99% of people seem to think twitter is being trashed

As the old saying goes 96.76% of stats are made up on the spot. Including mine!

The people complaining are a vocal minority, and they obviously aren’t upset enough to leave the platform. If 99% of people were leaving twitter, he would lose a ton of money, but they aren’t.

Anyway, I don’t like the name change to X, but I agree with his mission to open it up to free speech. Obviously there are a lot of people that would rather silence people through moderation than try and debate them.


Never used it since 2013, always thought it was too libturded and pointless. Then decided to check it out again after Elon bought it. Its a decent site, way better than facebook or instagram. Hell google has got so censored and corrupted after they monopolized the market and no longer needed to offer a competitive product. Twitter is better at being google than modern bs google. Some dude got attacked by a shark and I was struggling to see the video on google, all they were promoting was fake news articles of the attack that showed non of the real raw unedited footage. I struggled rewording it for minutes, putting more details, trying to escape the sea of fake news bs. Tried searching on twitter and was able to see the video right away in seconds. X is the tits!!!!


Most people don't care about Twitter. That's why they don't use it. I think Twitter is pretty lame regardless of Musk. It's used by news to create easy filler for slow days. Politician x says this. Politician y destroys politician x online. Actor h posted this. Elon musk did y and Twitter did z. Blah blah blah. It's like listening to gossips.


Exactly, it's silly nonsense.


it's mostly bumph although it seems to be more bumph recently. tbh it's just strangers arguing a lot. I only joined 10 years ago or so when I lived on my own because I wanted to talk about what I was watching on TV at the time and there seemed to be other "random internet people" watching the same program as me at the time. it's less enjoyable to go on there now so I go there less

occasionally its half useful when something changes (eg, google maps changes their colour) and you go on to check there are a few other people mentioning the same thing. which is. "useful"

I went on to reddit about 2 months ago, and within about 30 minutes I'd regretted going on to reddit


Twitter has always seemed pretty silly to me. Same with Facebook, TikTok and whatever other social media sites there are. I never participated on any of them, I'm not that interesting and frankly most everyone else is boring too. Who cares about a random stranger's thoughts or actions? I don't want to hear any of it, unless it's from posters I enjoy chatting with here on MC.

Elon Musk was clever enough to use his wealthy childhood as a launching pad to earn more money than nearly anyone in history, $230 BILLION dollars! He created products and offered services that people wanted and he cut some good deals. Smart guy, I hope he lives a long life and enjoys his wealth.


it's crap i don't use.


it can be useful but I don't disagree with that
