What did you clonkerdunkers watch this week ( 10/15-10/21) (CLOSED)
My week:
The forever purge (2021 DVD): Here is my history with this franchise:
The Purge: Don’t remember watching it.
The purge: Anarchy: Didn’t care for it much. 5/10
The Purge election year: Fairly entertaining. 6/10
The first purge: Don’t think I’ve seen it.
That being said, none of this stopped me from buying the new one when I saw it at a good price. The cover looked nice and I liked the idea of the people continuing purging on unexpected civilians after the purge is over. The story did deliver on that aspect and there were enough positive points to make this my favourite Purge movie. Here’s an interesting review but this time not from IMDb user but a critic: “Thanks to the stylish directing by Everardo Valerio Gout, a tight screenplay from series creator James DeMonaco and a terrific ensemble cast that elevates the material, The Forever Purge is a fast-paced jam that would play well on a drive-in movie screen. Take the whole thing with a big tub of popcorn and many grains of salt.” Now I really want to watch the first one but Netflix, just to fuck with me, only has the one I just watched. My rating: 7/10
The Meg (2018 DVD): I didn’t care much about the story, the characters and what was happening to them but at least the action was fun. Just mild fun. My rating: 5.5/10
Some kind of wonderful (1984 TV): I was happily surprised by this one! Right off the first 10 minutes it surfs a wave that it manages to smoothly keep until the very end. Variety sais it best: “A simple, lovely and thoughtful teenage story that occasionally shines due to fine characterizations and lucid dialog.” My rating: 7.5/10
Hatchet II (Friday night special): I enjoyed it mainly for the characters, especially Tony Todd who was a hoot in this, but I was a bit disappointed with the gore (it was hyped up to me by the Bluray case and online reviews). Throwing a bucking of corn syrup at a tree or a wall ain’t it at all. Fortunately I had an extra scene where Asian dude gets his head and brain smooshed by a sand paper saw (electric sander) against a wall. I also enjoyed the wrestling g match against Blu Eyes Crowley and Beardman Trent. The ending gets very bloody, don’t get me wrong, but the props looked a bit cheap. Overall it made for a fun and solid sequel. My rating: 6.5/10
*Fun fact: Hatchet II DVD previews had a trailer for Enter the void. The trailer is simply perfect and nothing short of fantastic. The 2nd trailer is for another favourite of mine; Ong Bak 3. Another cool trailer.
The God inside my ear (Friday late night special): According to my calculations, when Fred recommends a movie there is 88% chance that I will enjoy it too. Especially if it is a low-budget movie filled with beautiful and meaningful imageries, beautiful shots, close-ups and transitions, an impactful soundtrack, quirky characters and slightly psychedelic content. That describes this movie pretty well I think. I really frickin’ loved it. One complaint I have is about the horror aspect; I think this is the kind of movie that either shouldn’t of had any or, at least, make the horror scene gruesome, unsettling and memorable because the slit throats were rather mundane and the guy stabbed in the back with his face in his plate was a nice shot but déjà vu. Also, the last 5 minutes were interesting but I’d rather the reveal to be something else. I wanted it to be more related about her laying in the grass dead with the gas mask people around her (as in maybe there was a chemical bomb or a toxic waste of some sort but no, she’s an old ass catholic sister who died from a lightning storm of some sort) . My rating: 7.5/10
( I rewatched the first 15 minutes and the last 30 mins of Trick and still a 6.5/10)
American Horror Stories Season 2:
Ep1: 7
Ep2: 6
Ep3: 6.5
Ep4: 5.5
My Rating System:
10: Perfect/Favourite
9.5: Near perfect Masterpiece
9: Absolutely Outstanding
8.5: Most Excellent
8: Great
7.5: Very good
7: Good
6.5: Pretty good
6: Just Fine
5.5: Average
5: Below average
4.5: Mediocre
4: Bad
3: Very bad
2: Pure rubbish
1: Dreadfully Abysmal and insulting/Not even worth watching