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How did you get to high school

First two years walked then took a bicycle.


My mother usually gave me a lift.


The bus. I was an autistic mutant and a loner.




Not on the short bus?


Y'alls were going to school?


9th grade took the 86th St. cross town bus. Took about 1/2 hr. iirc, including a couple block walk.

10th-12th grades took the subway: two possible routes, both included one train transfer, with an underground and elevated segment. Took about an hour, or a little under, including a ten minute walk from the station to school. That was from upper Manhattan, Had friends who came from the outer boroughs whose commutes exceeded two hours, iirc. Sounds like the old "when I was your age, I walked uphill ten miles both ways."


At first I took a bus to high school. The driver was cool and didn't mind if we smoked cigarettes in the back of the bus. But then I got my driver's license when I was a sophomore then my parents gave me their old Cadillac. It was lime green with a white interior and a white landau top. I drove that car everyday. The Cadillac was ugly but I was very popular with that car!


Walked. Entered school from the rear doors by the playing field after a less than 5 minute walk.
