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Poker player admits to lying about terminal cancer to raise money to enter tournament

Jesus, what a scumbag to pull something like this?? Karma's a bitch down the road you know??

"The 37-year-old California native started a GoFundMe in June to help him make his lifelong goal of getting to the World Series of Poker. The final buy-in for the event is $10,000, and he received contributions between $30,000 and $50,000, according to the Review-Journal."


How about everyone who makes a fake cancer claim is subject to getting cancer and then being a guinea pig for cancer treatments?


I'm down with it, if for anything, because this guy crossed the line and needs to get help for his gambling problems before it's too late


It was a gamble, but did it pay off? 🤔


He is a poker player. Being able to mislead others is part of his job.


Have you ever seen a movie titled "ROUNDERS" with Edward Norton and and Matt Damon?? One of the better gambling movies
