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Worst Subject in school

Maths. I don't even know the times table.


Math. At every level.

My brain doesn't do pure logic, my brain does much better with reality. Which is intrinsically illogical.


Advanced math. Yuck. Never saw any need for it with the exception of specific jobs that require it.


We had swimming as a subject one semester, not included in Gymnastics. Well, although It was kind of a fun subject, I was an early bloomer and the only hairy 13-year-old. I felt like Mitch Buchannon.


Chemistry -- I just couldn't grasp it.
Geometry -- given that I was primed to not understand it, as everyone I knew would always say that it was too hard, didn't make sense, and the like. If that wasn't drilled into my head, I am pretty sure I would have paid attention in class and put more effort into the subject. I was pretty good in all other math classes though.




Calculus took it twice both times got a d.


Some cooking subject. Ironically now as cooking is one of my hobbies.


Definitely math, although I didn't like chemistry too. They were the same boring for me.
