Stoney is going on vacation this week and asked me to start the Friday/Saturday movie thread. I’m starting this early so you all have time to check out these stonekeeper suggestions and make sure you can stream them:
Killers (1996)
Satanic Panic
M.O.M. Mothers Of Monsters
Fear Inc.
*I checked and all of these are on TUBI in my region, be sure to check your area, streaming can be a bit random for some reason.
Stoney rated all of these a 6.5 or higher and the dude knows his stuff. Let’s all vote on what to watch for the movie club🤓👍
Also, even though I hate to be bossy it’s come to my attention that our esteemed Dean and Canadian neighbor hownos has never seen Robocop. This is a ridiculous state of affairs and I for one will not live in a world where hownos has not seen Robocop!
I suggest Robocop for the 9pm est Friday night show, you folks pick the rest, we need an 11pm for Friday and a 9pm and 11pm for Saturday. Let’s make stonekeeper proud!
***ETA: May seems like a good pick for the 11pm Friday show if you can all stream it👍
Friday night: Robocop at 9 est
May at 11 est
Saturday night: Killers (96) at 9est
Fear Inc. at 11 est