MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you prefer an actractive sexual partn...

Do you prefer an actractive sexual partner? (for female only)

So do you prefer an actractive sexual partner but don't care if can satisfy you or an average/ugly looking man that have a big dick and can definitely satisfy you?
By sexual partner i don't mean boyfriend/fiancee/husband , a partner just for sex , doesn't matter who.

warning: If you are male your post won't get a reply and yo will be automatically on my ignore list


The question doesn't make sense imo. Sexual attraction isn't based only on physical appearance, at least not for most women - sometimes it has nothing to do with appearance. Also, you probably wouldn't have sex with someone unless you were attracted to them for whatever reason, so if you're talking preference, of course you'd choose someone you were attracted to, but again it may have more to do with the kind of person they are, how good they are at sex, and a plethora of other reasons, like just being in the mood, than just a pretty face, a good body, a "big dick" and so on.



I am small penis man. 👋


I think 98% of the MC boards here are male... and the rest are trans or non-binary.


Pretty please, put me on your "ignore" list???


nope! your're gonna suffer


Dude, NEVER make a threat without being willing to carry it out. Your enemies will lose respect.



I identify as Dolly Parton for the purpose of this message.
