MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How Many of These "F" Rated CinemaScore ...

How Many of These "F" Rated CinemaScore Films Have You Seen?

And what did you think of them?

For anyone unsure what CinemaScore is, here's a link:

And these are the 'F' rated films:

1 Bolero 1984
2 Eye of the Beholder 1999
3 Dr. T and the Women 2000
4 Lost Souls 2000
5 Lucky Numbers 2000
6 Darkness 2002
7 Fear Dot Com 2002
8 Solaris 2002
9 In the Cut 2003
10 Alone in the Dark 2005
11 Wolf Creek 2005
12 Bug 2006
13 The Wicker Man 2006
14 I Know Who Killed Me 2007
15 Disaster Movie 2008
16 The Box 2009
17 Silent House 2011
18 Killing Them Softly 2012
19 The Devil Inside 2012
20 mother! 2017
21 The Grudge 2020
22 The Turning 2020

I've seen Dr T and the Women which I thought was okay (far from an Altman classic, and a bit of a disappointment, but I like Farrah Fawcett and Richard Gere, and enjoyed the mileau Altman was satirising), Solaris which I certainly don't regard as one of Soderbergh's best but still consider to be a fine, challenging and intelligent film, Wolf Creek which I personally LOVE and regard as very misunderstood and far wittier, more authentic and less exploitative than the 'gorno' films (like Hostel etc) that it's often compared to, The Box which is a yet another disappointment from Richard Kelly (it's such a shame he never recaptured that Donnie Darko magic) but is nevertheless two-thirds a *very* well-made, well-acted (yes, even from Cameron Diaz) and compelling movie, until an utterly terrible final third, mother! which I honestly ADORE and was absolutely enthralled by (but appreciate is an extremely divisive film that is more hated than liked), and The Turning which I thought was perfectly watchable, and no better nor worse than the vast majority of films within its gothic mystery genre.

So, none of the 'F' rated films I've seen were complete duds for me (not even The Box), and in the case of Wolf Creek and mother! they are, IMHO, 5/5 star movies.


Not as many as I was expecting.

In the Cut
The Wicker Man

The Wicker Man is the only one that deserves very low marks.

While I vastly prefer Tarkovsky's Solaris (which is a masterpiece), it'd be a bit churlish to pretend the remake was a bad film. It's decent enough.

mother! is a flawed but interesting film. Gotta admire its ambition and its style while perhaps rolling one's eyes a bit at its lack of subtlety.

And I think In the Cut is a very good film. So... that's that.


100% agreed with respect to everything you say about Solaris and mother!

I haven't seen In the Cut, but it's a Jane Campion film, so I expect it must have at least *some* merit.

I've heard mixed things about The Wicker Man remake, but that some people derive entertainment from it as a 'cult' or 'so-bad-it's-good' type of 'classic'.


I've seen:

Bolero: It sucked.
Lost Souls: I thought this was decent and I liked it.
Lucky Numbers: This was stupid and unfunny.
Solaris: This was okay.
In the Cut: This was pretty bad.
The Wicker Man: This was fun and I really enjoyed it.
I Know Who Killed Me: This was awful.
The Box: This was pretty good.
Mother! This was fantastic.
The Grudge: This was mediocre, but watchable.
The Turning: This was just okay.


Another mother! fan!!! 🎉

And I agree with respect to Solaris and The Turning, although I maintain that The Box started off well, and its production values were really strong (great period detail/production design and cinematography), but the story devolved into an incoherent mess, and left a nasty taste in one's mouth, with the newly blind kid flailing around in the bathroom whilst his parents were dead (at least I think that's how it ended...)


Solaris 2002. I don't remember what I thought--I guess somewhere in the middle.

That's it


I've seen Wolf Creek. Nothing to write home about but not terrible for a horror flick. I think I gave it a 6/10.


I've seen a few.

1. Lost Souls - Caught it on tv one night. It was OK.

2. Solaris - It was dull as hell

3. Wolf Creek - Watched it once. Apart from the ending, I don't remember a single thing about it.

4. The Wicker Man - It's so bad that it's entertaining.

5. I Know who Killed Me - convoluted & forgettable

6. Disaster Movie - One of the worst things I've watched in my entire life. No redeeming qualities whatsoever. I wish I could erase it from my memory

7. The Box - The idea/premise is better than the actual movie. Wasted potential. It's just fine.

8. Killing Them Softly - Really? This got an F? I genuinely like this one.


8 Solaris 2002, which was great


The only one I've seen is Bolero and that was a long time ago. I don't even remember what it was about, so obviously it didn't leave a positive impression of the film. Nowadays, with sources such Rotten Tomatoes, IMDb, and Wiki, it's easy to avoid really bad movies.


The only ones I haven't seen out of the list are Bolero (1984), The Devil Inside,(2012), The Turning (2020) and The Grudge (2020)
