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Do you think kissing a screen should be legal?



Depends who's on it.


Very true.


Also, its kinda TROLLING but also kinda not, depends on PERSPECTIVE but...

Notice how, we nearly always ALL care about how something can or should be LEGAL and we all think of certain things nearly always in terms of LAW ALONE?

Find it at all INTERESTING?

Even on things that are or are NOT illegal, because the system of law has or hasn't MADE it so to be?

And we care if they do or don't or should or shouldn't but we care about the LAW? Hmm?


Never mind also the fact that even if something IS illegal it can be difficult to prosecute certain folks for certain deeds and even if its not we still do something or something else about it, so the law isn't PERFECT or even universally based on morality or HARMONY ALONE, and sometimes we feel law isn't enough and in other cases we just feel frustrated that its the LAW and not some KARMA that didn't reach the offending party etc.

And it doesn't matter what part of the world you are in, then again, everywhere (read in every COUNTRY) laws are DIFFERENT, yes some are common as are others, but they operate on different levels here and there etc.

But... THOUGHT INDEED! :) Nuff sed.
