MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Grown-Ups Need to STOP Gaslighting Their...

Grown-Ups Need to STOP Gaslighting Their Kids

I remember when I was a kid, my grandma and other parental figures would say "Oh, that nice Philip Schofield, he's much nicer than the other guy [who replaced him]. He's such a well-spoken/well-mannered presenter" etc. These same people (well except my grandma who's been dead for over 20 years) are now the people demonising Schofield because he's an 'evil' homosexual who left his wife and had a relationship with a much younger man.

NO! This SHIT has to stop. The media, grown-ups, and other authority figures need to START BEING CONSISTENT and STOP turning heroes into zeroes. You CAN'T keep saying X is a good guy, and offering them up as a role-model/popular celebrity one minute, and then turn around and cancel them the next. That's a BETRAYAL and causes confusion and cognitive dissonance in the rest of us.

LOYALTY, even heard of the *fucking* word?!? 😠 This cancel culture BULLSHIT needs to STOP. It's very VERY difficult for people to change their minds, especially in relation to the things/people they grew up with. Like the expression goes: SHIT OR GET OFF THE POT. In other words, either stick with X, or don't give us X to begin with. But DON'T give us X and then say "No, no. X is bad!" That approach is just BULLSHIT and an act of betrayal.

Make your fucking mind up, stick to it, and if you change your mind SHUT THE FUCK UP. 😠


Changing your opinion is not gaslighting even when you express it to others. Grown-ups need to stop throwing around terms they don't understand.


Yes, it is. Parents and the media are manipulating their kids to believe one thing, and then fuck up their heads by forcing them to believe something else. I don't give a rat's ass whether that's technically 'gaslighting' or not, but it is ABUSE. You're fucking up people's heads, and that's wrong, ESPECIALLY if those people were kids when you first planted certain thoughts in their heads.



If someone presenting their opinion is "forcing" you to believe something then you really shouldn't expose yourself to the public in the fashion that you do. It's not gaslighting and it's not abuse, especially as evidence and circumstances change.

I will congratulate you for not turning it into a political rant, aside form that it's a load of hot air.

Have a nice day.


bill cosby??


Can't gaslight someone with a sharp memory. It's why narcs hate people like that, because then they can't get away with their lies easily.
