...if anything, it makes others feel worse, because people with *real problems* will ask "What have *you* got to be upset about?"
I'm not a gamer or a foodie, but entertainment/escapism is important. I wanted to commit my life to saving others, but I wasn't able to have that type of life. I'm not religious and don't believe I'm going to heaven (or, for that matter, hell), but although I am involved in various voluntary and charitable works, I've been burned from my voluntary work. People have turned against me, and I had to give up my career, in law. So, the only things that do give me happiness/solace is great music, films and literature.
I've been accused of trolling for asking awkward questions, but, suffice to say, *I* don't regard it as trolling. I've got diagnosed OCD and Anxiety, so I constantly need to be comforted, by asking questions. My mind is constantly a whirl.
I'm not sure what you mean by 'wishful thinking' but I see no problem with daydreaming. I certainly don't judge anyone who does so, assuming it gives them comfort.
I personally believe that free will exists, but some neurologists would say that we are all a product of our nervous impulses, and our every action can be predicted and is limited. And, yes, I staunchly believe in upholding certain rights, and treating every human with dignity. I mostly follow the golden rule, although there are some things I'd accept from others, that I wouldn't think of doing to them, not that I want to be mistreated.
As for binary thinking, I'd recommend this article: https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/uk-politics/2019/07/why-our-politics-divided-engineers-and-warriors-compromisers-and-fighters
Suffice to say, I regard myself as an engineer/compromiser, rather than a warrior/fighter. I don't see the world in pure black-and-white terms, and I believe most of my 'enemies' aren't evil so much as misguided, or simply people who view the world differently to me.