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Transgender topic: are you for or against transitioning before becoming an adult?

Do you think people under 18 with the approval of their parents, can be able to transition? If you say yes, what's the youngest age should it be? Or do you think it should be illegal?



--Michael D. Clarke


I support anyone who wishes to transition. In principle, I don't think it's wise to transition as a child, in case one regrets one's choice, but I suppose it depends on an individual's maturity.

All that said, I can't blame anyone for identifying as a woman. After all we're constantly told, by MILITANT FEMINISTS *AND* ANTI-TRANS BIGOTS, many of whom are "boys will be boys" *sigh* πŸ™„ chauvinists, that 'women are superior to men', so it stands to reason that the overall majority of individuals, on balance, will identify with the 'superior sex'. Who wants to be stigmatised as a member of the 'evil, raping, misogynist, lazy, mediocre' sex? *sigh* πŸ™„πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ So, GOOD ON, these trans women for escaping the stigma thrust upon them by BIGOTS and MILITANTS. I don't feel like a woman, so I'm not going to join them, but I don't remotely begrudge them. They've been FORCED into this. 😠

And REMEMBER, I'm standing up for TRANS RIGHTS here, so anyone who criticises and attacks me is on the WRONG (i.e. ANTI-WOKE) side of the argument, and really needs to look inside themself, and their dark, twisted soul, before they criticise me. You attack *ME* you attack WOKE. Dare you go there? πŸ˜ πŸ‘ŠπŸΏ


This topic is really tough, but I think we are focusing on a super small part of the population, when we have kids being abused and hungry. Do we want to spend are time in congress with a population thats 1%, or worry about the fact that we have kids being abused, and CPS has no funds to help them.
