MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I Don't Know What Goes On In Hollywood

I Don't Know What Goes On In Hollywood

I don't know the likes of Kevin Spacey or Harvey Weinstein or Jonathan Majors or Johnny Depp or Woody Allen, or who-the-fuck-ever, on a personal basis. I *ONLY* know their *WORK*.

However, if any of these men, and others, are criminals, *I* am the fucking VICTIM here, of GASLIGHTING, and HOLLYWOOD, and the people who make up the industry, including the various MOVIE STARS who facilitated them (see the likes of George Clooney, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Meryl Streep, Charlize Theron etc etc etc... and other self-identifying 'goody-goodies'), are the PERPETRATORS of this gaslighting. They should be CONDEMNED for GROOMING innocents like me, with their entertainment, all the while allowing us to be seduced by PREDATORS and other malfeasants etc.

They ALL have blood on their hands. πŸ˜ πŸ‘ŠπŸΏ And they should be apologising to movie fans, like ME. They (i.e. Hollywood) pulled the wool over OUR eyes. The denizens of Hollywood are NOT the victims here. They are the FACILITATORS who contributed to this charade, sometimes in order to build their careers, sometimes so they capitalise on playing the 'victim' later.

Yet, WE, the HUMBLE plebian audience-members are the TRUE victims here. We weren't party to what goes on behind the scenes. We never had a choice in anything that happens. And without knowledge of what went on, the duty wasn't on us to inform the world of the truth.

Once again, the Hollywood elites should be grovelling to us and offering us an apology.

And yet, we still see movie sites and blogs constantly SIMPING for these people ("Oh leave them alone," "Stop criticising them," "You're a misogynist/racist/alt-right/misanthrope/anti-Semite/incel etc if yoy dare to criticise anyone in Hollywood..." πŸ™„πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ). When the FUCK will these people learn ANY fucking HUMILITY and APOLOGISE to US?!? Instead of going on the fucking ATTACK?!? πŸ˜ πŸ‘ŠπŸΏπŸ‘ŠπŸΏπŸ‘ŠπŸ½


I am not sure I fully understand what you are saying here.


Comedy gold in the first reply. No other posts necessary, people. Pack it up!




Wait, the OP was JOKING?


No, I wasn't joking (ranting, but NOT joking), but I can laugh at myself, and objectively, I think FredBurroughs' post is funny (even if it's at my expense).


Then again, its often as simple as if they did something seriously wrong like assault someone sexually or murder someone, they should face punishment.

And many people DO know what is going on etc.

And perhaps they even also should apologize but sadly they often don't due to fear of guilt admission being used as evidence etc. Even if it really is unfair and whatnot.

Then again, various psychopaths, guilty criminals etc sadly often have no humility and conscience, and for terrible deeds, simple apology alone don't cut it. Wouldn't you agree?


"And many people DO know what is going on etc."

I don't. Mostly cos I respect people's privacy and space, and don't poke my nose in other people's business. It's not because I don't care, but I'm not a busy-body, and as a man, it's awkward sometimes to be poking my nose in the private affairs of women and children (the irony is, by not doing so, I potentially risk allowing women and children to be abused; but what can one do? One is damned if one does and damned if one doesn't, when it comes to vigilence).

A former friend of mine was harassed by a mutual colleague she'd been working with/semi-dating, and it happened all under my nose. But what could I have done? If I'd paid more attention to her private life and said "I don't think you should be with X," *I'd* risk being a creep/weirdo who doesn't respect the privacy/choices of my female acquaintances. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ She might think I was some jealous weirdo who resented the relationship, if I had paid more attention.

And I agree with your last point. I don't think anything in my OP contradicted that.
