MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Name a bad performance in a good film

Name a bad performance in a good film

First one that comes to mind is Keanu Reeves in Bram Stoker's Dracula.

Love the guy. Not a good actor but he tries. He was truly awful in Dracula though


Not to dog-pile on poor Keanu but Dangerous Liaisons includes him like a clown nose.


Like I said, he genuinely tries. I'm a fan of his but he's just not a very good actor

He shines when he plays to his strengths imo. He was great in Bill & Ted, Speed, The Matrix & John Wick franchise

But whenever he "tries to act", he sticks out like a sore thumb


Agreed. I would add Point Break to his "shine" list.


He was also great in Parenthood, playing a very Keanu-like character, and he did great voice-work for Toy Story 4.


Robert Francis in The Caine Mutiny (1954)


Now there is an obscure one. What a great film.


Cameron Diaz - The Counsellor.

She looked the part, kinda like a human leopard, but she just didn’t project the intelligence and diabolical evil needed for the role. Stuck out like a sore thumb against heavyweights like Fassbender, Bardem, Cruz, Pitt and Bruno Ganz.
