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What movie scared you as a kid and still scares you today?

When I was about ten or eleven, I saw about five minutes of an edited for television version of The Exorcist. I've got plenty of gray hair now and I still haven't seen the entire film all the way through...even though I'm a big horror fan.


Freddy Krueger. Scared the hell out of me as a kid and I'm in no hurry to watch them again.




There were plenty of films. They were usually quirky, low budget films from the 80’s-90’s. I was terrified of Fire in the Sky, Watcher in the Woods, Return to Oz, The Haunting (the 1963 one, not the terrible remake) etc. Anything to do with the unknown with dark, unusual and shocking scenes. I was terrified and fascinated in equal measure.


I saw Fire in the Sky in the theater when I was a little kid. Thanks Dad!


I’m imagining a fair few people can attribute their deep-rooted fear of abduction by aliens with that movie. 😆


Young Sherlock Holmes.

I saw a clip of one of the hallucinations when I was very small, and it's since scarred me so much that I have to walk out of the room everytime that scene comes on.


The movie Witchboard (1986) scared me as a kid. I don't know how scary it would be to watch it today, but I remember watching it in my 20's and it still gave that feeling that I had as a kid.

Despite how scary it was, it still didn't stop me from getting a Ouija board and try to talk to ghosts — ghosts that I was afraid of.


pennywise. Tim curry




Yep, Tim Curry's Pennywise still scares me today. I can't look at a poster or still of that IT without getting the chills.


The Witches (1990)


I'm very jaded and nothing scares me. But Exorcist gave me the willies then from demonic possession angle and still does.
