People Who Take to Social Media to Destroy Others Are the Lowest of the Low
I've been bullied, abused, assaulted, threatened and driven psychologically sick, by the behaviour of certain individuals in my life BUT I would NEVER take to social media (i.e. Twitter) to publicly denounce and destroy all the various individuals who have done these terrible things to me.
I've noticed a trend among the types of people who do this. They're often very fragile and (at the risk of being seen as homophobic) often gay, and seem to have a permanent chip-on-their-shoulder, and a very childish/emo-style wounded attitude about them.
Here's my advice to them: GROW THE FUCK UP. Life isn't always easy. MAN THE FUCK UP and GROW SOME BALLS, instead of behaving like a spoiled, petty, vengeful, spiteful, tell-tale brat who can only derive some sort of solace and 'strength' in life by destroying other people because they made you feel sad. 😢🎻
We've all had negative experiences. Some of us, like me, are still coping with them. Yes, it hurts, but that does NOT give you thr fucking right to tear people down.
If I kill the people who bullied, threatened and sexually assaulted me, will that some how make my life better? No, of course not. It will just make other people's lives shittier.
So STOP this petty, vengeful, spiteful bullshit, and focus on your own life, or maybe it's too sad and pathetic that all you know is destroying other peoples.