MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Misconceptions of guns and knives in mov...

Misconceptions of guns and knives in movies

Discuss bogus things of those and other weapons that movies portray.

When someone gets stabbed with a knife they will pull it out instead of letting a medical professional do it, which is what you are supposed to do IRL.

And whenever they pull it out by some miracle the bleeding has stopped or is not gushing out like a waterfall.

Whenever the good guy is shot he just brushes it off as if he wasn't and there is no pain at all.
While just one shot against the bad guy brings him down.

Someone who does not have a job handling firearms or never had any experience with them before will be put into a situation where all of a sudden they have to handle guns and knows everything there is about the weapon and can shoot and hit their target with no problem.
They make it look like as if handling a gun is as easy as drinking out of a straw.


Another movie favorite when they have a gun shot blasting someone backwards several feet. But it sure does look great on the screen!



So true!


The impossibly silent silencer. A complete Hollywood myth. They can work quite well, but not like the movies/TV.


In one of the vid I also noticed not just how much louder then are in movies but also bigger.


The “SHK SHK” sound effect of a pump action shotgun being racked is used on all kinds of other guns, and it’s usually used as an “I’m serious now” kind of effect. If the situation is dire enough to be pointing a gun at someone, a round better be in the chamber already.


Shooting a gun right by someone's head and they don't react. Everyone must be deaf.


Also, people discharging firearms inside and not being deaf for the rest of the day.
