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How to get off the phone with a telemarketer

We all hate telemarketers. By the way, most of them hate themselves. I’ve done more than my share of cold calling, so I know. I’ve stumbled on a sure-fire way to get off the line with these folks. It’s all in how you take the call. Unless Caller ID tells me it’s a friend, I always answer professionally, “Hello, this is Raymond, how can I help you?” They usually freak and hang up right then and there. They can see they will not be controlling the call. Sometimes they reply, “Can I speak to Raymond?” Then I make my tone exasperated: “I just TOLD you I am Raymond. What can I do for you?” Then, CLICK.

I tell ya, telemarketers today got no balls!


I say “sorry I’m not interested” and hang up before they can respond.

No point in abusing them or being sarcastic, they’re just doing a job.


There you go, problem solved👍


And what if, after doing that 100s of times, they still call? If they are going to annoy me aggressively then I may as well have some fun. Their job is intrusive so they will reap the rewards. Saying "don't call back" nor "take me off your list" does not work.

I have encountered polite callers whom I dismiss with civility. They are rare.
