MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Have you started your Christmas shopping...

Have you started your Christmas shopping?

I finished two days ago.


I do all my xmas shopping the monday after thanksgiving. I usually take some notes throughout the year what to get folks, bang it all out online and call it a job done.


You probably get a lot of discounts after Thanksgiving. In Canada we don't celebrate it in November.


There seems to be a presumption here that everyone has the means and opportunity to celebrate the holiday in it's common consumerist manner.


Christmas is not about consumerism, materialism or greed. People who participate in this manner are not celebrating the holiday.

Whether one celebrates Christmas in a religious or secular form (or a combination of the two) is personal choice. But at least acknowledge the day and enjoy it. A holiday is a time to take a break from the daily grind and enjoy some much-deserved time off. This can be accomplished without all the hype and materialism which leads to unnecessary debt.


No, they just wouldn't have replied to the thread.


Almost finished. I had to get it done early as they changed our pay schedule in the summer so our December payday is the 23rd. Defo not shopping then!

Just need to do a hamper for a baby (who is due on Christmas day) then I'm all done.


Just need to do a hamper for a baby

Is there something you want to announce to us? Just kidding.


Definitely not! πŸ˜±πŸ˜„


No, with the exception of my grandson who gets a Kings Island season pass each year, I still have 5 kids to do. I don't buy presents for adults and don't expect or want them to buy anything for me. My husband and I stopped with gifts many years ago - up until Covid we agreed that travel was our priority.

As Scroogish as it sounds, I finally had to tell people to stop buying me something just because. I was getting things I had no use for and because they shop online, I couldn't even return it for something else. Last year I finally told my adult step- daughter that anything she gave to me would probably go to Goodwill the next day. For a while people were exchanging gift cards - unbelievably stupid.

It's not like anyone in the family needs anything - everyone is well off.

One year I suggested we pool our money and sponsor a needy family and that went over like a lead balloon and after that I just gave up.


As Scroogish as it sounds, I finally had to tell people to stop buying me something just because.

My family and I (aunts, uncles, cousins and all) decided to not give each other gifts one year and it was a massive fail. Almost everyone came with gifts.


Sponsoring a needy family was a great idea. This is the true meaning of the season... generosity and goodwill. It's sad no one agreed to it.


I must still buy a couple of things but I have already acquired almost everything what I wanted to have. I always try to have everything ready on November.


I usually have everything by the last week of November but don't wrap it until a few days before Christmas. I'm lazy, don't judge me.
