Which state is better to live: New York or California?
I'm glad I moved out of NYC 9 years ago. I don't see myself ever going back, even if I hit the Lottery for millions. There are some nice parts upstate, that have that New England charm. But I don't see myself moving there, either. Buffalo? Too much cold weather/snow.
So California it is. But I don't want to live in that State, either. As Archie Bunker once put it, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XVEL3KnR2w
I love how you always have a relevant YouTube clip.
shareBut, your username has NYC in it! Perhaps it holds a special place in your heart?
shareIt's been my username since before I moved. nyctc=New York City Technical College, my alma mater. The college has since changed its name to New York City College of Technology, which gives you an idea of how long it has been my handle.
Every time I wonder whether I will visit my hometown (I no longer have any relatives there, and only a couple old friends) I see how outrageously expensive a decent hotel room is, and say, forget it.
There has to be a company with good hotel package deals like Liberty Travel or Livingsocial. Try a hostel or airbnb. Or stay in New Jersey or an outer borough and hop on a train to Manhattan for sightseeing. I would wait until all the pent-up cabin fever travelers die down in order for prices to come down.
shareNew York
shareNew York, provided it's not NYC because it's too crowded and noisy. I would choose the northern part of the state.
You couldn't pay me enough to live in California. There's little change of seasons and too much heat.
I concur about your last sentence. I like change of seasons. I can see myself being happy in Buffalo or Albany.
shareAs a non-American on the outside looking in (only been to the USA once, Florida when I was 9 years old, yes Disneyland) California.
From my understanding...
New York is a much smaller state (by land mass) and lacks the diversity of nature (mountain ranges, beaches, parks), has a larger urban-to-rural ratio. Has cold winters. When I think of New York I think of New York city almost exclusively. Perhaps that clouds my judgement? Also from what I've seen the architecture and home developments look more boring and dim. Real dull urbanite vibes.
California being a large state with a very long shore has many beach towns, some mountain ranges, more lakes, more parks, contains major urban cities but still has smaller quieter areas. The climate is pleasant and consistent. Warm and sunny without being too warm. The architecture seems more diverse and nice, seems to have more character from what I've seen.
Calif has more latinas? That's an important factor. We don't have latinas where I'm from and they look fucking delicious. Gorgeous creatures, the only ones who can challenge White women with regards to beauty.
I probably don't know what I'm talking about but honestly California seems archetypal of the 'american dream'. That's the supreme state from my perspective. If I had to pick one state to live in I'd pick Calif, whether that's the correct choice or not is beyond my knowledge but it seems the most logical choice for me.
NY has two mountain ranges: The Catskills, The Adirondacks
Long Island beaches are great! The Hamptons, etc.
NY has plenty of hot Latinas google.com/search?tbm=isch&q=aoc
"California seems archetypal of the 'american dream'." --I think that was true for many years, but not so much anymore.
There are 2 parts to New York State: Upstate and Downstate (the city). We are completely dissimilar and strongly dislike each other. Please specify of which “New York” you speak.