It isn't all political. The big problem is things in general have become too easy... little thinking or effort is now required. Our technology has reached the point to where it is becoming detrimental rather than benefitting humanity. Too many people now expect to have everything done for them without lifting a finger, and they want instant gratification.
They rely on "Alexa" to turn on the lights for them because they are too lazy to get up and walk to the light switch.
There are the phone zombies who can't perform simple tasks without implementing some silly "phone app."
There are cashiers who can't make change from paper currency (I've encountered this twice within a month).
Meal delivery companies are growing. This is a great service for people who are elderly, disabled, injured or who live in what's called a "food desert." But I would be willing to bet that 95% of the clientele are able-bodied individuals who are just too lazy to cook or don't want to go out in inclement weather. They let someone else risk their life driving in an ice storm while they lie on the couch and complain about the delivery taking too long.
During WWII people experienced rationing, shortages, travel restrictions, lights-out ordinances and many other inconveniences. This was done for the benefit and safety of the nation. Compare that to all the whining and protesting that went on during the COVID-19 lockdowns and vaccination efforts. If today's society had existed in the 1940s we would have lost the war.
Selfishness and lack of empathy. Hedonism and expecting instant gratification. Materialism. These are becoming more prevalent these days. We are creating a dumbed-down and indolent society which will quickly collapse if we ever experience hard times.