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How do you rate movies?

I see many people talking about overrated, underrated about many movies. Like...this movie is only 6.5, deserves better. How do you actually score movies feom 1 to 10 ? Examples?
For me:
1: Pure low budget garbage - so bad you turn it off in the first 2 minutes.
ex:Alien Sniperess(
2: Low budget garbage but with redeeming qualities(maybe an interesting script)
ex: Asylum mockbusters
3: Seems ok, can be high budget, but I cannot bring myself to completely watch it, or if I do I just think it was a waste of time.
ex: Star Wars ep VIII, Skyline
4: Ok movie that I can watch start to end, would not remember anything about it in 1 week.
ex: The hobbit trilogy, Iron man 2,3
5: Average movie, most movies are in this category, not bad, not good
ex: Dark Knight Rises, SW episode VI
6: Average movie with elements that make it memorable
ex: Men in black, Avatar
7: Movies I consider good
ex: Serenity, The dark knight
8: Very good movie, memorable
ex: SW ep IV, Dead man's shoes
9: Extremely good, keeps me glued to the screen, rewatchable
ex: Shawshank, Spirited Away, Godfather
10. I actually rate a 10 movies that I personally consider masterpieces in their category:
ex:Dark comedy: Dr Strangelove or Action: Terminator 2



5 = average

I just slot it in somewhere.


I don't rate films from 1 to 10. My brain is far too smooth and simple to handle that many increments. Truth be told, my brain can barely handle ascribing a numerical value to a film at all. I really dislike it. I find it counter-intuitive. I'm bad at it. But I do it for convenience anyway, and I do it like this:

1 - No
2 - Not really
3 - Good
4 - Gooder
5 - Goodest


Haha Nice to see someone totally opposite of me. Rating is instinctive, natural and borderline addictive for me. I don’t think much about it, the magic number comes up to me quick and easy. Sometimes even before the movie is over.


Yeah. That's why I only give myself the five options. Because otherwise I'd just overthink the whole thing. '7... no, 8... no, 7...' I'd be there all day long.

When I first joined Letterboxd, I did the half-star thing because it's there... but I had to stop. I was driving myself round the twist. 'Three? Three and a half? Three? Three and a half?' My brain's just not made that way. I have to keep it simple or I can't do it at all.


For a film to get a 10 from me it needs to be a once in a lifetime unique experience and it has to change my perception of film. Of the 2.526 films that I have rated on IMDB so far only 35 have received a 10 from me with the most recent one from 2003. If a film is good I give it an 8 and if it is great I give it a 9. But 10's are something special.

And I rarely give 5's or lower btw. Few films are really bad: almost every film has something to get out of it. And giving it a 1 is just being mean or angry.


I dare you to post your 10’s.




While I considered doing that I noticed that my list of 10's doesn't fully match the top of a different list I maintain with my favorite movies of all time. So I am going to pass on that invitation. ;-)



As if we cared of your personal discrepancy.


Couldn’t they just compare the two lists and note down the ones that appear at the top of both? It wouldn’t take that long surely?


I know right. He’s not a good team player.




1. No Redeeming Qualities.
2. Extremely Bad.
3. Very Bad.
4. Bad.
5. Just ok.
6. Not Bad.
7. Good.
8. Very Good.
9. Excellent.
10. Perfection (I’ve only ever given out two 10s).


We are like, the same person!


I can’t rap like you though, lol.


I’m sure you mentioned them before but what are your 2 10’s?

If I had to take wild guesses I’d say Jaws and Apocalypse now


They are……………..*drumroll*

Wizard of Oz
Star Wars


That's exactly my rating scale.
I rarely give anything below 5, since I usually don't finish the movie.


If you had to break it down into percentages, 7/10 would be the highest grouping for me.


Yeah that's true. With a 6 I usually think, why bother reviewing. 7-10 I always review those, 7 being the most popular.


My rating system is based on a few different things, and although I rate out of 10 different movies have different criteria. Mostly though, it's simply how much did I enjoy it that day? I can watch a movie that is technically crap, but I find it very entertaining, so I might give it a 6. I don't rate movies I turn off, so movies that are 1s for me are those that are torturous to get through, and the ones I wished I turned off.


My rating system is from 1 to 10 (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 etc..)

I wait at least two full days before I rate films, if you don't remember the movie after a few days, it's probably less good than you thought.


1. I Didn't like it
2. It was OK
3.I really liked it
4.Home run - grand slam.
