MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The Plain Girl Syndrome

The Plain Girl Syndrome

Have you noticed that, increasingly, plain girls play the top roles ? That the guys are as often as not prettier than the women they play opposite to ? I offer, as evidence :

Anne Hathaway
Kiera Knightly
Julia Stiles
Jennifer Garner

A lot of these Netflix series have that aspect, a plain-jane as the central female character and a supposed love interest.

I'm not saying they have to be playboy material, but at least ... cute.

Fight me on this, if you like. Do you see this as a trend, or do you find, for example, the aforementioned actresses someone you'd look twice at on the street.


Before we fight (lol), let's get our terminology clear.
How would you define the woman below?

I just looked up all those women you listed, and don't think they are plain. But I'm not attracted to any of them. Stiles looks a little like Megan Kelley.


Cute face. chunky. just being brutally honest about my taste, which is a vote of one.

Megyn Kelley I think many would allow was attractive. She doesn't particularly do it for me (something about her nose), but I could see her turning a few heads.


I meant, as in, classification. Would you call her "plain"? Something else?

Megyn Kelley isn't attractive to me, either. Nostrils are too big. Too tall. Not my type.


Her chunkyness would render her plain, or 'cute but...'

But who am I, the arbiter of attractiveness ? You can make up your own mind, bro.


lol.. As I said earlier, I'm just trying to get the vocabulary on the right page. It's not about better/worse, just language. I guess I can't lump them all together. But I don't think Her Holy Chunkiness is in the same category; just like I don't think they're necessarily plain, despite not being into them...

The reason I replied was because (like in this thread) people ask "What's your type" and when I would say "plain" or "girl next door" types, and it didn't coincide. I guess I don't really know all the classifications out there. People seem to just say "She's hot" or will give you the 1-10 rating, which I also like (especially for movies)

Actually, "feminine" might be a good word to describe my likes. No strong jaw bone. Long hair. Features that define a woman (t&a). Cheekbones that look the opposite of mine.


Agree. I'm sort of, perhaps, old-fashioned. I don't need (or necessarily want) a skinny woman with muscles.


Oh yeah, forgot all about those! I guess I'm picky, but I need to find the proper terminology to find "my type".... The interesting thing is, all the beautiful women in movies were in minor roles, I don't even remember their names. I also preferred Liz Taylor when she was my age (40), because she filled up, got curvy. She was in some "far-out" movies in the late 60/70s.. Some bad ones, despite being unique. "Secret Ceremony" is a good one. Did ya see that?
Liz Taylor, Robert Mitchum, Mia Farrow. If it had a double feature, "The Night Digger" would be it. Eerie movies focused on characters. Not predictable.

For some more comedy... 20 years later...


Liz, young or old, was stunning.

I loved her in Night Watch, a nice twisty gem w/ Laurence Harvey
