
Why is it that I can remember what happened to me when I was 5 o6 six years old, but I can't remember what I dreamt about the previous night?????


Actually we remember a lot less than we realise. Just check your email inbox and dig through your emails to your friends, crushes, significant other(s), teachers, co-workers, etc. and prepare to be surprised by what you've said to them. I couldn't believe I actually said / sent those lol.

Even here in MovieChat, sometimes I found comments that I strongly agree to (or the other way around) only to realise that those were my own comments I totally forgot about.


You need an image to stick. It's like movies. There are movies I've seen months ago that I don't remember anything about, but I'll remember a lot from one I saw 10 years ago.


Because the neurotransmitter/hormone norepinephrine, which assists with memory storage and retrieval, is suppressed during REM sleep. That's one of the theories anyway.


dream log


Write it down when you wake up. Do that for a week and then read the entries and it's pretty wild.


Good idea!!!!


It's funny, my ability to remember my dreams has diminished with age.

Now I can only remember the very good or very bad ones for more than 10 seconds.


Same here!!!


I read somewhere: "Our brains are so crazy, it makes up stories at night, and then gets scared by them"

perhaps memories and or dreams fade by design. only so much space in the noggin


