MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Top Gun Maverick is an average movie

Top Gun Maverick is an average movie

Nothing special whatsoever about this movie. Possibly the most predictable movie I've ever seen in my life. Is the bar so low now that mediocrity like this can be passed off as great work ?


Sorry, but it was total fun to watch and a great kick-ass movie.


The bar is pretty low so Top Gun Ford Maverick sounds like the only half-decent movie coming out.

I didn't like the first movie, and I can't stand Tom Cruise so I won't waist my time.


i dunno man. i think it sounds pretty hip


Have you tried using a belt?


It was fun but yeah, nothing special.


I'm going to say it. A lot of "Critically Acclaimed" films and alleged "Masterpieces" are boring and usually depressing.

Bring on some pure entertainment as a relief for the shitty decade we are having so far as a well as relief from the Woke nonsense.


That is what I figured based on the trailer, and based on the fact that it's a sequel to a corny 80s blockbuster. Many 80s "classics" are notoriously shallow

Tom Cruise, as a producer, seems to have become a figure that I'd almost compare to guys like Spielberg and James Cameron, where attempting big technical innovations takes a front seat over telling an artistically meaningful story


Problem with telling a meaningful story is that virtually all meaningful stories have already been told in movies.

At least a technical innovation is an innovation.


Is it better than the original movie? I never thought the original was very good, not even when I was a kid in the '80s when it was all the rage.
