MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Who was supposed to be the next big acto...

Who was supposed to be the next big actor (for better or for worse). But never happened?

For the longest time you could have said this about Anthony Mackie until fairly recently.

Terrance Howard

Fairuza Balk, although she kinda self sabotaged.

Lisa Bonet, I guess her daughter picked up the mantle.

Joel Kinnamen

Technically The Rock in terms of action stars, because he never got that signature iconic starring role yet imo.

Iko Iwais, maybe it's the language barrier? Same with Tony Jaa

Donny Yen, he had to move back to China to become a big star.

Derek Luke

Kerry Washington

Kadeem Hardison

Sam Worthington was less a rising star and more like a teacher's pet being shoved down your throat by Hollywood. But his career never really took off regardless.

Paula Patton. Like wtf happened there??


Josh Hartnett
Stephen Dorff


Mischa Barton
Adam Brody
Julia Stiles
Wentworth Miller
Raffrey Cassidy
Dylan O’Brien


I lost count.


Taylor Kitsch. There was a time they tried to make the next leading man & it did not work out.

Good actor but he usually works better in a supporting role.

Another one is Jai Courtney. Again, he works really well as a supporting character


Jason Momoa. Always felt he was the poor man’s Arnold Schwarzenegger when it comes to being an action hero.

Thankfully the Rock isn’t as bad though.


Paula Patton is a weird case, cause black "it girls" rarely make it outside of the black community. Halle Berry is a outlier, and even she didn't last long once she broke out of the black entertainment bubble tbh.
