MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What's your favourite media gadget?

What's your favourite media gadget?

Smart tv, Desktop, laptop or handheld (tablet or phone) ?

For me:

Smart tv - when I'm in living room or bedroom.

Tablet- lives in the kitchen for when I'm pottering about or cooking.

Phone - most of my Internet browsing is done on my phone.

Laptop - occasional use. Nice to have but not really used.


It's definitely the phone with a pop socket on the back.


What's a pop socket?


It's that round little plastic disc you see on the back of people's phones. It pops out so you can hold the phone in place between your fingers. You see it in everybody's dumb ass mirror selfies. Let's you hold and use your phone without really holding it. It's super convenient. I've also never dropped my phone once since using one. It will also hold your phone upright when sitting on desk so you can watch whatever without propping it up. Comes in just about every design imaginable too.


I need to look into this ‘pop socket’ thing.

I dropped my last IPhone on my cement garage floor and wrecked it back around Christmas season….what a price to replace it!


Ah ok. I didn't know it had a name 🤭


Desktop PC - I do virtually everything on my PC; work, art, movies, music, browsing, online shopping, email, ebook, etc.

For non-essential stuffs like instagram, chatting, youtube, MovieChat, I use my Android phone.


Alexa Echo Dot
Smart tv


Probably my iPhone Se right now. Keeps me connected to the rest of the world


Fire Tablet TV/movies, Apps/Games and Books...Everything else I could live without.
