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"10 Harsh Realities Of Watching Old Disney Movies"

Now I found another article about Disney movies, that I must criticize.
I have to go through it in the form of a list:

"The Women Have Little Agency"
Like I said in a previous thread, this is not as ubiquitous in Disney movies as some people think.
And when it does happen, it is a historical fact that women were expected to be less proactive in the past.
There are worse stories out there in that regard than these innocent Disney movies.
And as for Snow White and Aurora not consenting to being kissed?
Well, it was either that or not having them wake up from the spell at all!

"The Films Contain Many Racist Stereotypes"
Well, times change.
It is clear that what some people find offensive today was seen as completely harmless back then.

"Anyone Evil Or Inferior Is Often Queer Coded"
Ursula might have been based on a drag queen in the beginning, but is totally female in the movie.
And I don't see Jafar or Scar as "effeminate".
Of course, I believe that some people claim that the fact that Jafar wears a robe makes him "queer coded".
But I guess that he wears a robe because that is what sorcerers and wizards often do.
Remember that Merlin from "The Sword in the Stone" also is the only character in his movie to wear a robe?

"The Movie That Gave The World 'Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Da' Is Incredibly Racist And Problematic".
Eh, no...
I will confess that I haven't watched "Song of the South" from start to finish.
However, what I saw in the scenes which I watched was a harmless movie for kids.
And it gave a lot of black actors a chance to work and be seen back in 1946.
But I guess that people today expected to see the characters being raped and lynched in a Disney movie?
It is not even about slavery, because the story takes place after slavery was abolished.
Lastly, there is nothing rightful about trying to wipe out a movie!

"They Don't Represent Historical Reality"
"Pocahontas" is really based on the legend about Pocahontas rather than on real history.
And again, I don't get what some people expected to see in a Disney movie anyway...

"There Is A Surprising Amount Of Underage Drinking"
Well, it is clearly shown to be a negative thing.
And I don't believe that either "Dumbo" nor "Pinocchio" portrayed kids smoking or drinking as comedic.


C’mon man, Scar is totally a homo. Not that I’m offended by it in any way but let’s call a spade a spade.

I personally take old movies for what they are, a sign of the times. Being offended by dubious representations,or calling for them to be censored, is not only a waste of time, it also impedes learning from the mistakes of the past.


I finally managed to see the complete Song of the South thanks to someone who was able to download it from some obscure site I don't remember the name of. I don't understand the controversy. The only characters in the film who were positive and sympathetic towards the boy were the Black ones. The white characters for the most part were cold and lacked empathy.


The problem is that some people feel that it's "racist" that they seemed to be happy being slaves.
Even though I don't think that they were even meant to be slaves anymore at that point.


I own the DVD.

Its a great movie that I had actually seen as a kid.

There is nothing racist about it; plenty of blacks worked for whites post civil war and were happy to do so.


Yeah, but a lot of people can't stop hating the movie for no good reason.
I wonder if most of the people who hate it have even seen it.


Villains such as Jafar, Scar, and Ursula are shown as caricatures, and often flamboyant and effeminate. Additionally, Ursula was based on an American actor and drag queen named Divine. Portraying people with disabilities, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, and plus-size people as evil only serve to emphasize the terrible stereotype that such groups are abnormal, to be disliked, or less worthy of existing and succeeding.

What is this writer talking about? Other than Ursula, I can't think of another Disney villain that's plus-size. I also can't think of any who are effeminate or have a disability. I don't count Scar's scar as a disability.


It is clear that the writer is really reaching for some of her conclusions.
It is not the first time, that I read about some of these opinions though.


""Anyone Evil Or Inferior Is Often Queer Coded"

Yes, but that's what makes villains like Scar and Jaffar so much fun! They are witty and bitchy, much more fun to watch than the good characters.

Seriously, the bitch villains tend to be my favorite characters in these movies, the ones I'd like to hang around with.


They might be fun to watch, but I wouldn't want to hang out with them.


Oh please, who'd be more fun to have a drink with, Scar or Mustafa? Jaffar or that idiot Sultan? You know you'd want to hang with the villain!

As long as he had nothing to gain from poisoning you...


Well, I think I would choose to hang out with the leads.
But I guess I'm boring then...


The Joker can also be said as "queer coded." Also what makes him best.


Maybe in the Animated films, but in the mainstream films, he's always leching on Batman's arm candy or Harley.

If they're trying to queer-code him they're not doing a great job, but I for one am okay if they just make a straight character clever and bitchy.
