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What do you think

of people who won't watch older movies simply because they don't reflect modern times?


My cousin who was born in the 70s has a 4TB hard drive with a bunch of movies and TV shows on it. He probably has less than 5 movies released before 1970. I think Psycho and Dr. Strangelove were the only black and white movies he had.


I think they are silly. You are limiting yourself quite a bit if the films have to fit your narrow view of things. I also find it silly if people stop watching films because a person involved did something wrong or at least perceived as wrong or it doesn't match your own bias. I can dislike or disagree with a person and still enjoy a film with their involvement.


I know people who won’t even give older movies a shot, and I’m in love with old B&W movies. They give a glimpse of life back then (at least according to Hollywood) and deserve to be watched! I always have to watch old movies alone cause I can never find anyone who will watch with me!


I think that's fairly standard, isn't it? Perfectly normal.

Same for folk who are a bit suspicious about black and white films (whether they're older or not) or folk who really aren't very keen on subtitled foreign-language films or anything that smacks them as too 'arty' or 'intellectual'. ('I just want to be entertained') That's just regular people for you: casual film fans.

We're the outliers, aren't we? Film buffs, cineastes, or whatever term you prefer, are in the minority. Check out the number of subscribers Netflix has versus Criterion Channel.

And it's always been this way too. People not watching older movies (for whatever reason) is not a new phenomenon. Everyone likes movies. Not everybody will take up movies as a hobby or a passion.

I mean, I think those regular people are missing out. Obviously. But as long as they're happy with their viewing habits, enjoying what they do watch, ultimately what do I care?


I see what you're saying. I wonder if Gen X is different because there wasn't as much access to "content" even in the early days of cable television, so we were just willing to watch anything regardless of when it was made.


There may well be something in that, yeah.

When I was a kid here in the UK, there was usually a 1940s Hollywood melodrama on the BBC just before the afternoon kids shows started. They used to show Laurel & Hardy films in the mornings in the summer holidays. And Channel 4 routinely showed European and Asian films in the evenings. Now there's much more choice, many more channels and outlets, everything is a bit niche and compartmentalised, not all thrown in together eclectically as it was back in the day...

There's better access to all that stuff now, but you generally have to go actively looking for it.


i don't understand it especially because current movies kind of suck.


Any decent movie is going to have parallels with contemporary life, no matter its age. Good storytelling is timeless.
