MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Mukbang is a thing.

Mukbang is a thing.

Yep, this is where we are now.

What other fucking idiot things like this make you despair for the human race?

"Prank" channels on social media, for example. Fuck me, how fucking dumb are we as a species that such obviously contrived fraudulent nonsense gets so much attention and adulation?


these eating contests are gross.


Stop watching this stuff, move to Montana and get away from technology. It is possible to live a simple life even in todays tech.....


We have to get away from technology. Teen suicides are up 60%.


People will eat themselves to death for notoriety and money. Nicocado Avocado as a prime example. The whole thing is pretty fucking depressing and disgusting to be completely honest, but I guess binge eating amuses the masses.


Then there's the machismo-proving craze of trying to tackle the currently designated "world's hottest pepper" ( The Carolina Reaper) and thinking they can somehow escape the misery and regret of previous challengers.


I don't get Mukbang videos! And I watch 4K driving videos occasionally, you know, just the record of a car driving someplace I'd like to be! I do it because I've got a new job and can't go on road trips, but WTF is up with people actually liking videos of people eating huge meals?

My theory is that the "feeder" fetish is more common that we think.


Feeder fetish? So that's like, the opposite of vore?


Feel free to look it up, I will say no more! Because, eeeeeeewww.
