MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > People who use your first name to contro...

People who use your first name to control you

Don't you hate it?

Example, instead of "just letting you know, I'll be out of the office today" they'll say "now Alex, just letting you know...."

I find it uncomfortable.

Like a controlling parent.

The only time I want someone to say my name is if I'm in public and they need to call out to me.


No, never let them say your name in public. Come up with some code name for those situations. Your real name should never be said.


Yes, ever since I was a child. I had a fairy bless me with a gift which allowed whoever said my first name in public to control me. I mean anything. Since then I've had to move several times and use pseudonyms just to protect myself.


What in the hell are you talking about?


So much for this outdated advice then...
"It's a proven fact that it's the sweetest sound to a person's ear is the sound of their own name." - Dale Carnegie


I've heard that and I disagree.

I like to know someone knows my name, so they can say hello and my name, that's good.

But throwing my name at me in a conversation is about control, and I don't like someone doing that.


" ...they can change their minds but they can't change me..."


That's from a book called "How to Win Friends and Influence People", that was hugely popular in the middle of the 20th century... and even in the 1980s and 1990s when I was young, I'd still find salespeople and phoney bastards following the book's advice to over-use first names.

I had a co-worker at one of my first jobs, who'd work your name into every sentence at least twice. It was SO offputting!


Hey, Intothenight!!

Oops, sorry, my bad.


His first name is MovieBuff224 tho'.


Pressplay surely?


Yeah, that's a trick your parents use when you're a kid.

Also what fools will do is use your official name instead of your familiar name, like "James" if you prefer "Jim".

Or what about over familiarity, "Jimmy". It's okay for a mom, but not if someone don't know you too well.


Agreed. I've had people do that as well and Im not a big fan. too familiar.


"Keep my wife's name out of yo fuckin' mouth." - Will Smith


That's not the way he said it as I recall:


I need to get my hearing checked.


Lupita was amused.


Don't respond to anyone unless they address you as "Logan Five."
