MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I just got told off by a gay parent for ...

I just got told off by a gay parent for using the word "son"

I'm at a cafe, West Hollywood, and I'm fully aware that it is a gay area of town, but me and my girl decided to drop in and have a glass of wine (yes, this cafe sells wine).

So this gay couple have a son, maybe about 8, who is banging the table for no apparent reason. These two gay dads are just ignoring him and looking at photos on their phones, "oh you look cute there, babe".

So I turn and say "excuse me, could you get your son to stop banging the table?"

One rolls his eyes and the other puts his hand up to him and says "I'll deal with this babe".

He turns and says "son?"

I say "nephew, cousin, whatever".

He looks angry and says "not the issue! Did you just assume his gender?"

I say "does he identify as an alphabet kid?"

Now he's really mad. Picks up his phone and starts recording me.

"What he does or does not identify as is none of your business! You sure you're in the right barrio, hombre? Because this is the gay part of Hollywood."

I say "did you just assume our sexuality?"

He turns to his boyfriend who says "he's got you there, babe".

He pauses, turns back and says "maybe I'll ask him to turn it down from an 8 to a 2, how's that sit with ya?"

Me and my girl look at each other and say "we can deal with that."

Turns to boy, "son, maybe keep the banging at a 2."

He turns back to me, "sorry for calling you hombre, but you look like Antonio Banderas in his prime."

End of confrontation.


can you post a link?



I once cleaned out a rodeo stable and up until reading this, that was the most bullshit I had ever seen in my life.


Pfft! - That's nothing, I once told a pile of bullshit that it looked like Antonio Banderas in his prime and then it transformed into a wine serving cafe (in the Gay part of town) and it asked me if I had "just assumed it's gender" - Optimus Prime was there too, so you can ask him.


One time in band camp, I.....

Never mind.


I need Jonathan Frakes to tell me if this is fact or fiction!


FredBurroughs has you covered in his reply. :)


Fiction. Uh, sure, I knew that!


its sad they are giving kids away to homos these days. i would rather live in the orphanage my whole childhood then get adopted by two dudes that would be hell



Dog whistle and they will come.


This incident never would have happened if the two dads had been paying attention to the kid instead of staring at their stupidphones. Put those ridiculous devices down and enjoy your dinner! They could have left the stupid things in the car.


This only happened in the OP’s head.


Exactly. Imagine if he put this much effort into something constructive instead of making shit up for attention.


first of all. this user is definitely Intothenight
and second of all, I love the compliment you paid yourself about Banderas
; )

10/10 post
