
It’s not about who you choose to talk to, it’s about who chooses to talk to you. Your interest in a girl means nothing if she doesn’t feel the same. You’re lucky if you find a girl that loves you, never let go of her. She has options, and can leave you for another guy if you don’t show her appreciation no matter how much you beg.


Russia is selling sexy farm girls for $99.99 plus postage so I think you may be mistaken


I can't afford that! Can you loan me some cash?


For the cause of green cards and true love of course I will…Order Svetlana, she’s blonde and very ‘leggy,’ yowza!


Sounds hot. I will think of you on our honeymoon.


That’s creepy and super hot 😁


Mail order brides? Dunno never gave much thought to them


I’ve bought three, one does the cleaning, the other does the cooking and I have the third mail order bride rake the leaves and shovel snow…it’s a very good marriage


Do you like the russian food?


So in other words: "Settle for whatever you can get; you're a piece of shit and are lucky that anyone would even give you the time of day."

lol great advice. I think we've found the next Tony Robbins here.


No, I meant “appreciate the girlfriend you have now because you never know when the relationship can end”

You missed the entire point, my guy 🤦‍♂️


Well, if that's all you meant, that's all you should have said.

What you actually wrote came off as some low self-esteem bullshit, which it seemed you were attempting to pass off as genuine advice on how to get or keep a woman.

If you're ever in a scenario where you're "begging" a girl to stick around, you screwed up a long a time ago, and should quickly move along. She has other options? Fuck that; YOU have other options.

Change your perception, change your reality.


It's fine. If she leaves, you move on. There are plenty of girls out there. Begging is for beggars.


Sure. And the same applies the other way around. And the same applies to friendship. And the same applies to relationships in general.

The way you particularize in one single case and one single direction, it seems a bit unhealthy. Perhaps you should talk with a therapist.
