MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > VR r@pe... is this really a problem?

VR r@pe... is this really a problem?

what, your precious ears were r@ped? you heard some bad language?
poor widdle brain scarred for life now because some one talked nasty to you?
Here's a tip: NO ONE TOUCHED YOU

I guess every gamer that teabags is a r@pist also now, huh?

WTF is wrong with people? It's a VIDEO GAME! If you don't like it, LEAVE.

"was verbally and sexually harassed – 3-4 male avatars, with male voices, essentially, but virtually gang raped my avatar"

love to hear some perspectives on this


She's complaining about perverts groping her character in a public place. it's like follow the god damn code of conduct.


her "character"? you mean the video game representative avatar? pixels aren't real, don't affect her in any way, and can be turned off at any time.
code of conduct? is this the same one as in reality where you don't randomly murder people, or steal, or a video game world where anything goes with zero real consequence?


How do you sexually assualt in a video game? Is there an ass grabbing button?


ya got me. I suppose just walking into someone repeatedly, and maybe talking dirty to them might kinda seem to look like assualt... no more than blowing someone's head clean off in some shooter game.

If someone did something I found annoying or offensive online, I can EASILY exit the situation. It's like people are getting compoundingly stupid these days


I find the compoundingly stupid part to be coming from the people who are against code of conducts.people have had their characters deleted in other MMOs for less.


My god can you at least collect your thoughts


how much plainer could I be?
ever played video games or VR before? You understand NONE of it is REAL, yes?


I'm sticking to Pong.
