MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Your opinion please. Acting or racist?

Your opinion please. Acting or racist?

So basically, (Jewish) actress Maureen Lipman is angry that (not Jewish) Helen Mirren is playing a jewish character in her new film.

I remember when (not Muslim) David Suchet played the Islamic terrorist in Executive Decision.

Is this not just acting ? Or is it actually a race issue ?


I'm glad I'm sat down because for the first time ever, we all agree on something πŸ₯³πŸ˜„.

So yes, it is acting and Maureen is just bitter that she didn't get the role or something πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ


Pure stupidity.

Ben Kingsley couldn't play Mandela because he doesn't look anything like Mandela, not even with makeup. On the contrary, Helen Mirren looks close enough to Golda Meir.


A lot of this stuff is getting really silly


She is certainly arrogant. Jews have been playing various other ethnics since Paul Muni, if not sooner.

Not a good look for her, at all. Consulting her wiki page, she is a strident promoter of expansionist Israeli policies. Figures.


Maureen Lipman is certainly acting up.


It is acting. That is kinda the point ot play someone who you are not.

This whole can't play someone you are not is getting very tiresome.

But have you noticed the rules only flow in one direction. Where was the celebrity outrage when a black woman played a real life white English queen. Tumbleweeds.

But when it is a white person playing something then that is wrong and needs to be stopped. They are hypocrites.


And the funniest thing is that here we're not even talking about Helen Mirren playing somebody who has a complete different ethnic look. This is Helen Mirren playing Golda Meir vs the real Golda Meir:


Holy shit, that's Helen Mirren?


My first thought was the Anne Boleyn thing too. As long as it's well acted though, does it even matter? It's the whole point of acting .


Actually, it is a white non-Jewish person playing a white Jewish person.

So it isn't actually racial.



performative outrage.


Not racist at all. Mirren played an Israeli before in The Debt (2010), nobody said anything about it then
